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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Man, I learn new phrases everyday. Phony war.......amazing.
  2. Anyone who is not a lefty is a racist. It helps them keep up with all of their labels. What they fail to realize is that should socialism ever take hold, all of those divisions and labels will disappear. We will all be Pringle’s potato chips.
  3. .....like the dims have a clue about foreign policy. Obama’s policy was turn his back on Israel, run from Un and Putin, suck up to the Japs, and lift sanctions on Iran. Absolutely none of this makes sense. Face it, dims have no policy/platform for anything. Anti-Trump is not a platform but they will all mention Trump when campaigning.
  4. At least Trump is dealing with the problem instead of brushing Un aside and calling him a sabre rattler. Trump has a few choice names for Un but still is man enough to face him. I would love to be the fly on the wall when the cameras are not rolling.
  5. Another huge problem wih this country is we haven’t been taught how to lose. I believe it all started with everyone gets a ribbon or trophy. This is why our youth are such whinie butts. Unfortunately, some adults never learned this either...Hillary.
  6. Saw this one this morning. Must be global cooling. Should we panick? Los Angeles did not reach 70 degrees in February for first time in at least 132 years: report [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. I assume someone was offended by this. Boo Hoo
  8. Returning to the Cowboys! [Hidden Content]
  9. The most influential statement made by Mr. Jordan was, “The democrats don’t care”. How sad.
  10. I reiterate. Also, this involved human trafficking. Also, people get murdered almost everyday in Chicago. Doesn’t make it “ok”.
  11. Wow, if this was Jerry Jones, this board would have posted 5 pages by now.
  12. A billionaire who can afford any woman he wants but chooses a neighborhood massage parlor. What a dumbass. [Hidden Content]
  13. There must be a million white guys in Chicago and he hires two Nigerians.
  14. Just shoot him in the head and throw him to the gators. Tell God he died. Even better, shoot him in the leg and throw him to the gators.
  15. I also think there are way too many people with a mic in their face. Call it an infringement on 1st amendment, I don't care. I simply believe that I don't have to hear everything everybody has to say. For any possible improvement in race relations in this country, this dumbass (Stollett) has set it back a decade or two with his stupid fake hate crime.
  16. We have people who actually defend the actions of this piece of dog do-do. Being with CNN lends a clue as to why. [Hidden Content]
  17. Smollett under arrest.....what a POS [Hidden Content]
  18. A must read...... Charlie Kirk: Americans must wake up and fight against the socialist movement that’s already well underway [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  19. Trump is in collusion with Putin, otherwise, we would be in a fix. Putin warns: Russia will target US with new weapons if it deploys missiles to Europe [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. .....and the gifts keep on coming. He was very close to the dividor in chief.... [Hidden Content]
  22. Well, you defend him to the hilt. How about you give us Sander's platform, you know, what he has in mind to change this country for the better and why you agree with it?
  23. Could have funded the wall.
  24. $750,000 buys one heckuva house in SETEX. New York, California .....not near as much. THAT is the problem.
  25. Yes, paid for her education and she stabs her boyfriend and ends up being incarcerated. Not sure where she is now. May have gotten out by now, especially with Sharpton money that he owes back taxes on.
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