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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Well, you defend him to the hilt. How about you give us Sander's platform, you know, what he has in mind to change this country for the better and why you agree with it?
  2. Could have funded the wall.
  3. $750,000 buys one heckuva house in SETEX. New York, California .....not near as much. THAT is the problem.
  4. Yes, paid for her education and she stabs her boyfriend and ends up being incarcerated. Not sure where she is now. May have gotten out by now, especially with Sharpton money that he owes back taxes on.
  5. Smollet. He made it believable like Susan Smith.
  6. Here’s another one. I guess this gets a +1 for the way he feels now. Actually surprised me. Still think he is a jackal. Al Sharpton says Jussie Smollett should ‘face accountability to the maximum’ if attack was orchestrated [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. Talk about egg on the face. These are YOUR REPS. dims. I wouldn’t claim any of them. What a joke! [Hidden Content]
  8. Booker is a goofballl, I mean Spartacus.
  9. What can be more cynical than faking a hate crime? Leftys, what say you? Staying out of this one, are we?
  10. Anyone who would give this “Deal” any consideration after reading a few lines, is a goofball. Really, I mean REALLY, are there people who actually get behind this crap and think it is good for our country, or is it a ploy to garner votes from the stupid millenials? From recycling urine to cow farts....doesn't that just about say it all?
  11. Racial division. This queer should be arrested for fabricating a felony. Of course, he would probably like it in jail, so maybe that is not punishment.
  12. This is all you gleaned from my post? Can you address the guy who was lifting weights the night before he was to testify against Hillary? He got his throat crushed by the bar. The timing was impeccable, Don’t you think? Since you do not believe Hillary is a lowlife, please list some of her redeeming qualities.
  13. At least the supposed witnesses against Trump are still alive. Of course you don’t question the impeccable timing of the deaths of witnesses willing to testify against Hillary. What a low life indeed.
  14. What do you know, college students with more than one functioning brain cell. [Hidden Content]
  15. Is that supposed to make me feel bad? I think there are plenty of women who would make the same statement. I bet there are lots of terminated pregnancies where the man wanted the child and the woman didn't. What about his feelings? Legally, it is his kid too and he has rights. I think the supposedly responsible women who scream that it is their “CHOICE” as to whether a human being takes a breath or not ( and now, maybe even after ) why couldn't they be more responsible before having unprotected sex? Talk about irresponsible!!! Life and death situations are left up to these floosies?
  16. Any woman seeking an abortion should have to view an abortion prior to making her “CHOICE”. That is all!!!!!
  17. You sir are a conspiracy theorist. That’s a good thing. McCarthy was looked upon as a nut job. I am not so sure that he wasn’t right. At least conspiracy theorists ( such as myself ) have the ability to question things and think for themselves. Sheeple are blindly led to slaughter.
  18. I thought that if the baby died, everyone applauded.
  19. Maybe she will come up with nobody paying income tax. Then people could actually live off of minimum wage and afford their own healthcare. What could be more wonderful. No one would need college. We could all work at McDonald's! The government could function off of liquor, cigarette, gasoline, and other assorted “hidden” taxes, including the 70% tax on your $10 millionth dollar. Funny, my boss walked in our breakroom and caught me playing on my telephone. I told him I was unwilling to work and guess what, he fired me. Seems he didn't understand the new mentality. I am gonna sick AOC on his arse. That will show him.
  20. Unbelievable.
  21. Look UT, I can call Pelosi disrespectful anytime I want. Couldn’t care less about Obama. He disrespected me and I am his superior. I am a legally registered voter. Pelosi is brain damaged and has seizures. No one should be allowed to govern with those disabilities.
  22. Pelosi’s facial expressions were priceless. Did she have cue cards telling her when to clap? Totally no respect for her superiors!
  23. Here you go Hagar [Hidden Content]
  24. It was just an expression, but ok. He hasn’t had that bad of game since his rookie year when he sucked buckets.
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