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Everything posted by baddog

  1. You seem to be the only one upset by it.
  2. Kindly refrain from referring to anyone as my daddy. My dad has been dead for 57 years and I miss him daily. Kinda personal, you know?
  3. They sure did in ‘29.
  4. Looks like doom and gloom again. Lol
  5. Nothing to say except it didn’t surprise me. This team could beat a great team in the Aggies twice but can’t beat Xavier. Too inconsistent.
  6. They don’t call traveling anymore.
  7. With all the body bumping and jumping around, I can see how that might accidentally happen, but that was no accident.
  8. Intentional knee to the nuts isn’t a foul? Pitiful.
  9. Pitiful ball control on both sides.
  10. Whatever happened to lottery money funding the schools? We’re talking $billions upon $billions. Also, here’s an article my wife found on Texas Educators board: It isn't just about voucher money, its also about the bureaucracy which is created to run it, bet you forgot that is also part of this crony scheme. The governor has decided that TEA is not competent enough to manage the funds, get them into the right hands, and keep the correct receipts. So, Texas is going full blown venture capitalist with corporation that specializes in voucher management. This is not yet been a realized cost of the voucher system, but it will be substantial. This begins the Great Texan Fleecing, and I am not meaning the football team, but us folks that call themselves Texans.
  11. That’s weird. I remember exactly where I was.
  12. You wouldn’t call me that to my face, but hey, what else is new. Thank you for your contribution.
  13. He sold his Tesla and bought a gas guzzling Tahoe ( I have nothing against gas guzzlers or Chevys). He was asked about the splashdown and he said he landed on a runway, like he was too good to return via splashdown. He never expressed any emotions towards his fellow astronauts being rescued. What a pure putz.
  14. Wow, been climbing all day. Where are the know-it-alls?
  15. Still in the green. Looking good
  16. Can’t beat CB to it. I look at top stories and comment. I like posting how democrats’ hypocrisy is on full display. I saw this story on Fox but CB already had it here. I commented and said glad they got him and the bill was silly. Surely you saw that, maybe not. I’m not constantly searching for “R” criminals to report. When it’s posted, I’ll comment. Funny how the libs don’t comment on their vermin. I’ll try and start posting anti’”R” material for your pleasure. Since you are non-committal, why would it matter? How about this, I’ll do my best to report criminal “Rs” if you at least agree to denounce the libs for their vicious anti Trump agenda.
  17. Stocks started the day in the green. Hope it holds.
  18. Why come here to protest? He should have gone to Gaza and toted a sign. What kind of results do they expect to get here? Legit question. What results do these anti-Israel protesters expect?
  19. But, but, but, if the guy had a “D” in front of his name, CB wouldn’t have posted it and it would have been a non-issue for him. Funny how that works. I say get ‘em all. Y’all say get the “Rs”.
  20. Wouldn’t a typical Trumper be one who voted for him twice?
  21. I don’t know how old you are, but I was 10 when JFK was killed. We were all told Oswald killed him and what could a 10 year old believe except what the authorities told me. Years later I saw a tv segment where they had what was considered their expert marksman/shooter. In the Zapruder film, 3 shots were heard. Whether or not Oswald was on target, this marksman could not fire Oswald’s rifle 3 times in the time frame. It was bolt action and a piece of junk. This was all I needed to realize there was another gunman. Who did it? I believe it was a mafia hit because they leave no loose ends…Ruby shooting Oswald, and the Kennedys didn’t get along with the teamsters and Bobby was AG. They got him down the road. My whole life I’ve wanted to know but it’s been so long now, like you said, it won’t make any difference, except if it was a CIA hit, it would make the government look bad. Oh well, anybody involved is surely dead.
  22. Hey, at least I can say get ‘em all. Never was an Elvis fan. He died on a toilet injecting dope and they make a stamp remembering him. Never understood that.
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