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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Legal hit. Bad for the QB, but good football hit.
  2. Who funded the “original” wall? It has been there for awhile. Why, all of a sudden, the hatred for a border wall? Like I said, there is one in place. Can anyone answer this? I think it is because this is all we have to argue. The issues at hand would be losable arguments for the left. Othere things that were argued have gone by the wayside.... Trump/Russia collusion Trade Korea Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have been sworn/opposition and accusers have vanished into thin air. isis immigration bans What have I left out?
  3. Been even longer for some. At least we are still playing.
  4. He's just barely a robber. Kinda like being barely pregnant.
  5. Winning it all is all that matters. I wouldn't care if Texas was independent. I mean really, who actually remembers past bowl victories? Everybody tries to win the title. Until someone out recruits Bama and Clemson or hires a coach who can outcoach them ( that will be a tough one) they will continue to win it all. When else in history has the championship game been played by the same two teams three years straight ?( excluding back when there were only two teams...lol) The only reason I am excited about the Sugar Bowl is that we are playing a top talent team and it is a huge step up from where our program has been. Next year.......I'm trying to win it all, not just be included in a conference that does well in bowl games.
  6. She seems to have done very well in this capitalistic society. Her policies will ruin this country and create another Venezuela. If Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' succeeds in 2019 it will be the most radical plan offered in decades [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. Hagar, you are going to have the libs back at the drawing board after that post. Seriously, if they had an opportunity to sponge off of the hard working people in this country, they would be less likely to kill each other.....or you and me.
  8. Cowboys finish the season at a very respectable 10-6. Let's finish it.
  9. Got caught up in a tackle with another player. I think he is gonna be ok, but haven,t heard officially.
  10. What a throw and catch!!!,
  11. Cant be truth till it happens. Right now speculation only. I guess when you have been out for weeks, next best thingmto do is predict the demise of others. Wow, that wasn't interference?
  12. And another hater surfaces. Who is your team dude?
  13. Lmao.
  14. I believe lots of illegals have committed crimes for which they were released and deported. Murder would be one that they might get convicted and serve time. However, simply being illegally in this country is a misdemeanor, for which most penalties are deportation. To re-enter after having been deported becomes a felony. Please tell me that you have at least heard of people who have been deported several times. This would be the gist of my post. Please stop trying to represent all illegals and their great contributions to this country simply because you know a few who have succeeded. That is such a miniscule representation in the grand scheme of things that it is truly unfair to make such a blanket statement. Most illegals are poor, unskilled, and uneducated. Stop equating picking crops or lawn maintenance as skilled labor. I know you will knock the source of this article, but please read it and point out any lies. [Hidden Content] As an aside, lots of my bananas are picked by Guatemalans IN GUATEMALA. Lots of my avacados are picked by Mexicans IN MEXICO. Lots of the produce we buy in grocery stores are shipped here from CHINA.
  15. i couldn't care any less about OU winning the whole thing, but it would be nice to see Bama eliminated. Almost had to eat your words. Funny how aggy tucks their tail and runs from a conference they couldn't win, then thumbs their nose at it while going to another conference they can't win, but somehow find an allegiance they never possessed in the Big XII. Hatred for Texas consumes all of you.....what a flag to bear. Keep admiring Bama instead of finding a way to beat them and you will always achieve the same success you had in the conference you now hate. Hate is such a motivator with pitiful results.
  16. Operative word here would be convicted. When these “illegals” commit crimes and their punishment is deportation, don’t you think that would skew the stats just a tad?
  17. My post was a little facetious, but still, if we have open borders, the drugs will just come right across land. No need to ship on water.
  18. With open borders, who needs a coast guard?
  19. Purest example of a millenial who can't cope without his mommy. H needs to go sit in the corner and suck his thumb.
  20. It really doesn’t wash to say crimes are committed at a lower rate by immigrants. Se la vie is not an equalizer or justifiable stance. Anyone who would kill a cop will kill anyone. His “illegal “ status is what led to this murder. Had he not been here, it could not have happened. That is where I stand, as where I think most of us do.
  21. Why doesn't the left ever comment on these articles? Nevermind, I know. It is difficult to argue acceptable numbers of cop deaths in order to provide food, shelter, healthcare, and clothing to these fine future upstanding citizens and voters. They caught this POS. Don't any of you lefties bad that he got caught? He's your friend. I hope they cut his head off, but that's just me. [Hidden Content]
  22. In fact, except for the crack whores, most hookers are good looking.
  23. Unlike how Michelle looked in her $4000.00 pair of thigh high boots? Hookers look better than this. [Hidden Content]
  24. In my 65 years, I’ve told 130 lies. Hey, I’m not a liar. Lmfao. How do we arrive at such conclusions?
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