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Everything posted by baddog

  1. + Infinity But she is not on national TV, a multi-millionaire, or a black person. Her plight will fall on deaf ears.
  2. What are they protesting? How has kneeling helped their "cause" ? Kaepernick said he would stop kneeling if some team would pick up his sorry arse. That's what I call dedication to a cause. If your principles can be bought, then you had none to begin with.
  3. .....a fair fight? LMAO!! Ben Shapiro offers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez $10,000 to debate her democratic socialist beliefs [Hidden Content]
  4. Sorry, I didn't see your post. I made a thread to Big Girl.
  5. ..... Loves to claim her Muslim buddies are not all bad, but in the same breath condemns all white people for mass killings, ( guess she conveniently forgot Santa Barbara and the gay Pulse nightclub). Well, she needs to get a load of this. Look what color these fine people are and look what they were planning. What say ye? No comment? Man arrested at New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings, court documents say [Hidden Content]
  6. All the people she endorsed.......LOST!! LOL!!!!!
  7. This young man is not living the high life in a country that made him a millionaire playing a kid's game, but he pulls himself up to stand for the anthem. Boy in wheelchair pulls himself to feet for national anthem at Tennessee fair [Hidden Content]
  8. 60 shot, 11 fatally, no arrests.
  9. All I know is that the owners were squirming last season with a measly 8% drop in viewership. Isn't everyone aware of the plight of the kneelers by now? What is there to be gained by kneeling? No one can answer that.
  10. I know these are mug shots, but why do these people look angry...... and kin? Berkeley police slammed for Antifa-related mugshot tweets after violent rally [Hidden Content]
  11. Another one bites the dust...... Florida restaurant cancels NFL package over national anthem protests [Hidden Content]
  12. Ah, the last bastion of masculinity......football, where a man can sit for hours, sipping a cool one in his cave that he had built just for this escape, probably sharing the experience with some of his masculine friends. Why would anyone want to gay that up? Just another reason for people to tune out the NFL.
  13. .....you said anything GOOD about America? This is a good read if you like reading. Here's what the left doesn't get about America [Hidden Content]
  14. If he is an illegal, when he heals up we can send him to SF, Philly, Chicago, or LA. He'll find sanctuary in those cities.
  15. What is sad is that this proves nothing to the non-thinking left. Keep the good guy from owning a gun, what would have happened? Duhhhhhhh!
  16. ..... With the left is that they can't seem to make up their minds about anything! Governor Jerry Brown has yelled some of the most hateful words towards Trump, now he hopes Trump will offer some relief for the forest fires. Democrats jumping ship becoming Republicans. What a switch in mentally that is. It's a huge problem for the whole country...... not making decisions. Remember..... The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.
  17. How 'bout them Astros?
  18. Typical female..... Can't make up her mind. Socialist candidate Ocasio-Cortez once saw herself as Smithian capitalist, viewed feminism as 'relic' [Hidden Content]
  19. Must be a tough question with no answer. Maybe the answer IS nothing. Yeah, that's it.
  20. Then speak for yourself. What did the last president do for you?
  21. Job jeopardy terms are nappy, tats, and planet of the apes. I may have missed a few. Only certain races can cash in on racism. It's all they got.
  22. A little bit different situation. Favre retired and decided to come back. GB told him they had moved forward with Rogers. Favre went to the Vikings. He wasn't fired as I recall. Tomi Lahren could fire me and make me like it.
  23. Just for clarification, Jerry Jones was laughed off the face of the earth for bringing in a college coach to replace legendary Tom Landry. His name was Jimmy Johnson. Maybe people like him or not, but if not for Jerry Jones, we would have never had Jimmy Johnson as the Cowboys head coach. Jones was highly reeponsible for the Herschel Walker trade, which was considered the biggest trade in NFL history. Talk about build an empire......wow! Egos collided after 2 superbowl victories and Johnson split. He moved to Miami where, without the advantage of building an instant winner via a Walker deal, he became Joe average and left coaching. I didn't like the way Landry was fired, but I wonder what is the proper etiquette for firing a legend. It was time for Landry to go. He would not have survived free agency due to loyalty issues. I hope none of you hold it against me for not being a Jones hater. These are facts and opinions as to how I see it. Now back to Tomi Lahren.....what a good looking woman!
  24. Exactly. It's the foothold we have to worry about.
  25. Thanks. You know Tomi does it for me. Hot blonde with a brain. If I saw her on the street and she asked me my name, I'd probably stutter and get it wrong. Dak is simply a class act. He's told advertisers he was gonna spend time with his family instead of doing their commercials.
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