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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Should have kicked the FG. 19-0 Texas at the half.
  2. Will K St. kick a FG to avoid a shutout if they fail to score a TD here?
  3. Replayed it and it was forward. Whew!
  4. Man, if that pass was a lateral, that ball should be out of bounds where it went out.
  5. I agree, but just do the Superman chest.
  6. Texas playing smothering defense. Don't care for the taunting. Looks like a safety right there.
  7. What happened to that guy?
  8. What a punt return for a TD! 90 yards!
  9. Me either. OMG, can you be more open than that? Sam ain't got the arm?
  10. Sorry guys. I love defensive football and ours is on fire. Hope to see some good hitting. Of course, playing unranked K St. won't get us many brownie points with the haters. I just like winning.
  11. Well, that did it. Great win against lowly Arkansas. Is this a moral victory for Arky?
  12. This IS know, unranked Arkansas. So if a victory over a low ranked team is crap, well fill it in for me. Also, this game ain't over yet.
  13. I don't think the mud field gives the Dogs any advantage. We kick tail on turf too. Couldn't make the game due to work schedule. Only stat that matters is the score. I'll give anyone 600 total yards between the 20s. 21-0 says it all. Good solid district win. Way to go Dogs.
  14. You have a vivid imagination and can connect the dots very well with the info supplied. You are probably not far off on any of that scenario. For me the whole situation comes down to this. There are probably some Dems who don't believe her and probably some pubs that do. Let's throw those out the window for now. How can we possibly have such a divided view between those that are left? The Dems believe her and the pubs don't. At least the pubs are trying to protect a good man from nothing more than accusations. I applaud that. It comes down to, not right and wrong, but political differences. We have made a complete mockery of our judicial system.... Innocent until proven guilty, and I have seen absolutely no proof. If the probe turns up nothing and Kavanaugh is appointed, this lying w....e needs to see the inside of a jail cell.
  15. Booker admitted to a sexual assault in the 90s. No FBI investigation needed here. Dems are putzs and are your enemy. [Hidden Content]
  16. Kavanaugh has already had 6 FBI investigations into his past. This is all inclusive of his family, friends, acquaintences, bartenders, taxi drivers, employers,....you name it, it has already been covered. How could this have been overlooked? Everything is just a stall job.
  17. That's what we have to look forward to running our government? I'm glad I'll be dead before they rule. I will apologize to my son for having left him this mess. People like that in power?...... This country will easily be defeated and fall.
  18. Young Houston Astros fan invited to playoff game after video her scolded for cheering goes viral [Hidden Content]
  19. I could play that over and over again.
  20. Some colleges have it as a major.
  21. Being a federal judge, Kavanaugh has already had the FBI crawl inside him several times and nothing like this came up. Imagine that!
  22. Pure case of guilty until proven innocent. Imagine that, a college student drinking beer until he passes out. Wait till the millennials here of this new trend.
  23. I know they can block IP addresses, but that only helps if they use the same computer/tablet/phone.
  24. On another post I stated that Clinton raped a black woman in Arkansas. This is the woman he raped. The black woman was his baby momma. Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick slams Dems for 'biggest double standard' on Kavanaugh [Hidden Content]
  25. Just watched some of the hearing. How scripted. She could not answer one question without looking at the notes Schumer and Feinstein wrote for her.
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