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Everything posted by baddog

  1. McCullers slumped last year and pitched a gem in the WS. Keuchel hasn't been "great" since he won the CY. Agree, no worries.
  2. Since you enjoy quoting from the book of Revelations and predicting the end of the world, here is something you might find interesting. Foot note: The end of the world has been falsely predicted millions of times. If Nostradamus couldn't get it right........ Biblical prophecy claims the Rapture is coming April 23, numerologist says [Hidden Content]
  3. Of course not. I'm just an eternal optimist.
  4. I don't do Facebook and have never read their policies. If what you say is true, and I'd bet the house that it is, then you are 100% correct. I still don't care for the Zuck.
  5. I could have used some help on my tuition. Mom drew SS because my Dad had passed and I worked at a hamburger joint. Yeah, I didn't need any freaking help. Feed 'em fish heads.
  6. I'm thinking we will have two great pass rushers.
  7. This guy is as bad as Dylan Roof. Blacks were up in arms over him. There is no longer a right or wrong, only black or white.
  8. Nothing racist about your comment. Simply staing a fact.
  9. Would you like for whitey to disappear?
  10. Just walk away Renee. Smoke gets in your eyes. What are we proving here? Your attempts to prove you are diverse as opposed to us whites not leading such a charmed life is pretty feeble at best.
  11. Man, you sure are old. How is Methuselah doing?
  12. That song is like a commercial jingle. Everyone has heard it. Doesn't make you a country listener.
  13. Like I said above...... I'm a hard rock listener. Now, who is assuming?
  14. You sure do know a lot about stuff you don't know about.
  15. I recall people on this board defending Hussein and condemning George Bush for invading due to Sadaam's refusal to allow UN inspectors to search for weapons of mass destruction. Sadaam murdered over 250,000 Kurds with chemical weapons (WMDs) leaving pictures just like these. Anyone who would try to protect these animals needs to be taken out and shot immediately, if not sooner. WARNING -- GRAPHIC IMAGES: Syria poison gas attack [Hidden Content]
  16. Bread crumbs...... LMAO
  17. I have two. Thought they would all be gone. Woman came up to my wife who must have been in line behind us and told her that we were one of the last people to get rings. Really wasnt interested but had people try to but them off of me
  18. Yes, we stayed. Still can't believe it. Can't recall a game ending like that. All the infielders were looking at each other as if they should have caught it.
  19. People camped outside the stadium wanting first shot at the replica rings. I want nothing that bad.
  20. No discipline.... The unspanked generations.
  21. Crowd outside the stadium is unreal. I'll feel like a sardine tomorrow.
  22. I'll be at the game tomorrow, y'all look for me. I'll be the one wearing a World Series cap.
  23. I will get to see Cole pitch Saturday. Can't wait.
  24. Britain about to ban shish-k-Bob skewers and pickle forks. That should do it.
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