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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Not hardly. Lefties, is this fake news? Not hardly. Watters' Words: The truth about socialism [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. Think I'm gonna keep working and rathole some money. It's mine anyway.
  3. Keeps getting better... Democrats' love of socialism is a losing strategy – but they foolishly follow it anyway [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  4. I’ve changed doctors several times for unnecessary procedures. Haven't used my Medicare yet. Just turned 65 and am still working. Have company insurance that I help pay for.
  5. .....not hardly. Just a simple liberal tag for some type of leverage. [Hidden Content]
  6. She hasn't even been elected yet and she only worships on Sunday.
  7. No, I was behind home plate. He wasn't going to catch that ball anyway, but hey, it was a judgement call even with the replay. Stros will be fine. Fan was ejected.
  8. Walkoff HR to win it for the Rockies. Still had a good time. We split the series. Lots of Astros fans there.
  9. I'm at Coors Field. Partly cloudy with a chance of rain. Astros won 8-2 last night. Having a wonderful time. People very polite here. Tried to upload a pic. Too many MPs. Morton and that vicious curveball going tonight. Go Stros!
  10. I wish the old man would have countered him with a megaphone of his own. Wonder where the assault would have come from then? Assault is not the answer, however, some people know exactly how to push people's buttons, so I can see how it happens. A megaphone is a verbal assault in my book. His total aim was to invoke that type of response so he could play victim.
  11. Guess I would go to jail also. Screaming racist into that megaphone right in the man's face, I would have shoved it where the sun don't shine. Funny how the video starts at the shove, not the previous antagonizing.
  12. Far from mad, actual term would be angry, and I'm not there either. What conviction?
  13. The burden of proof is on the accuser.
  14. Even if I don't see it, I expect it.
  15. She talks in circles without saying anything. Makes for a good politician. I think it is called double talking. Leaves one shaking their head trying to decipher what was just actually said.
  16. Whenever I feel the need for pure guidance at its best, I turn my soul towards the comedians who make their living off making people laugh, especially with ironic ways of looking at themselves and life in general. Give me Chris Rock's money, which was earned in a “white man's world” so to speak, I will gladly change places. All of this is so hypothetical, it is stupid to even be discussing it. Chris Rock can afford to make statements like that. “Good Lawd”! If there is such a thing as white privilege, the only ones who cry about it are the ones who wish to reverse it, which in and of itself is “essentially” hypocritical.
  17. Try this one REB.... Expert: UFOs frequently come close to hitting airliners [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  18. Trump gets mauled for misspeaking with Putin, but the left says nothing about their new face darling. Click on this video and look at Sanders face at the end......priceless [Hidden Content]
  19. She is Googling Carnac The Magnificent
  20. $37G per homeless person per year DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM, yet $6G per year ( that's $500 per month for Big Girl ) will do it. You libs are really backward when it comes to money. It grows on trees for some of you, but alas, the trees are dying. Soon, you will have nothing to eat but each other. San Francisco continues to spend big in fight against homelessness -- but is it working? [Hidden Content]
  21. baddog


    How many of us trust Big Girl? Scariest picture I can conjure up is you coming at anyone with a hypodermic needle. I get flashes of Annie in Misery. Did you even read the articles?
  22. baddog


    Thanks, I can't believe he/she didn't see that. I guess her/his two diplomas let her/him down. Of course when you run online degrees through a copier, it tarnishes the whole image of the old sheepskin.
  23. baddog


    Lets say for a moment that your statement is true. How can that bother you when the dims are pushing for non-citizen voting? Please explain the difference. You can't. You just don't like Trump because he is white.
  24. I always wanted to be a member of a group. Brat Pack is too young for me. Now Rat Pack is more my style......so now I am a Rat Pack Sychophant. Lol What kills me is how names and accusations are hurled at Trump without so much as a smidgeon of fact. How did Trump fail the American people in his meeting with Putin? How is Trump a racist?
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