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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I’ll put this here..... State Department releases Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop [Hidden Content] This should be just the tip of the iceberg.
  2. baddog


    I know Big Girl usually gives an intellectual response to all posts, so I will attempt her same course.... Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support [Hidden Content] THOUGHTS?
  3. My wife would have asked me to punch out his lights. Not sure I would have waited for her to ask. What a loser. Probably a momma's boy.
  4. Geez. Just don't go to the big old bad old Farmers market. More for me. Snowflakes abound in California.... [Hidden Content]
  5. Rams not a bad pick at all. Philadelphia, even without Wentz is still a tough opponent.
  6. Would “yeah, right” be considered intellectual conversation?
  7. You make full sentences and write more intelligently than Big Girl. You are not BG. Ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? You libs kill me. Someone trying to help you out and you bite his hand.....understandable though. Please illustrate Obama's deficit decreases.
  8. Was this what you told Hillary? LMFAO. Btw, you are not BG. Too bad you are too chicken to post under your own monicker.
  9. 5 things you may not know. What's not to like about this girl? I'm not into tatoos but am willing to overlook it just this once. Lol [Hidden Content]
  10. So, the movie “Coma” wasn't science fiction. I understand organ donation, but fetuses is a whole other concern... Fetuses found in Detroit warehouse owned by body broker, report says [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  11. This should cover #2^^^^^^^^ Trump administration ends 2017 confronting Russia after year of collusion accusations [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  12. 1. Everyone in congress is now a “grab 'em”. 2. Ammo for Russian collusion has run out. 3. Trump's immigration laws are slowed but still progressing. 4. Isis is in shambles. 5. Obama's FBI cronies are being cleared out and should be jailed along with Obama and Hillary. That is still to come. 6. Military has regained respect and is allowed to kick ass without further notice. 7. The new tax bill has delivered a fatal blow to the left. I know I have omitted some scenarios, but the last one is probably the most important.
  13. Merry Christmas to all. Hope you had a wondeful time. I have had the creeping crud since Thursday. Don't know what else to call it. No fever, just hack my head off to the point of almost throwing up. Got a shot and a Z-pack Thursday trying to head it off, but to no avail. Missed two Christmas parties, both with good food. Now the wife is sick. Still keeping my chin up. I did get an Astros Championship cap.
  14. Jerry Brown partied too much with Linda Ronstadt in the 70s. He's looney tunes.
  15. Too bad that the Jerry Jones haters are blinded to the fact that his grandson is a stud QB. You know, Jones paying people off and stuff like that. Geez. Just accept the fact that you got your arse handed to you on the heels of a fine QB.
  16. You are hitting the left with facts and common sense...... something very foreign to them.
  17. Here you go westend. Don't ever call any of my posts stupid again..... [Hidden Content]
  18. ..... Any personally identifying marks? "No sir" [Hidden Content]
  19. ....my sign today. Dare anyone to try and remove it. [Hidden Content]
  20. I think a lot of them came to the realization that Hillary LOST. Like I said, lots of the dud ammo they had has fallen by the wayside.
  21. Hippy and band kid..... don't know. Tvc was on here about the shooting of the man in a hotel. He had plenty of ammo as you experienced.
  22. When you don't have a comeback, call the post stupid. Typical Lefty ploy. No, they don't post anymore because they are out of ammo. BG and Tobies post were chocked full of interesting data. Lmao
  23. I love the first sentence in the last paragraph. Trump puts his UN money where his mouth is [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  24. Sorry, wrong thread.
  25. Agree. No one is holding a gun to their head to stay. Why do people keep sticking a mic in Rosie O Donnell's face? Wasn't her bribe illegal? She should be in jail with the women she loves.
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