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Everything posted by baddog

  1. It has always been US against the world anyway. We have a few allies but most countries hate us.
  2. Yep, the SOS who said it wasn't large scale according to you. I deflected nothing. Are Alabama's voter ID laws as strict Chicago's gun laws? I can see where laws can make a difference, but enforcement is the key. Did something crawl up inside you....... As usual? Lol
  3. Video unavailable. I'll try to find it.
  4. Thanks. Believe it or not, I was about to post that. I love that girl.
  5. Tobie always said that Trump hasn't put anything in his pocket. What say ye now, Tobie?
  6. LMAO
  7. Tell them to relocate their Hqs in a Muslim country. We have never need the UN. Just the name is hypocritical.
  8. Not one single solitary Democrat voted for this bill. I think that says everything I need to know. The dims don't have my back. Never have. When I look at Pelosi and Schumer, I wonder how anyone could follow that. Pelosi didn't even know where she is and Schumer is a fake crybaby.
  9. At what point do you consider it " large scale"? From your comment, am I to assume that "small scale" voter fraud is acceptable?
  10. But charges were dropped. Must have gone by the evidence and facts. What a novel idea. [Hidden Content]
  11. Sorry, I didn't make the connection. I think it strange some of the hieroglyphics found in caves looking like spacemen. Also, the caves were dark and there was no soot on the ceiling from torches being burned.
  12. Then Obama and the Hollywood crowd should tear down their walls. It’s called PRIVACY!
  13. Voter I.D. would solve all of this crap.
  14. Could be because they were. Everything else he did was underhanded.
  15. Legislation..... Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  16. Believe what you want to believe. It's what you are going to do anyway. Trump is in the process of creating good paying jobs. I don't blame black people or anyone for wanting wages better than McDonald's. Since this thread is about black employment, exactly what was it that Obama did for his black brethren? I have never gotten a response to that question.
  17. Winning is easy. Everyone knows how to win. Losing requires character. One has to learn how to handle losing. We have seen how the left handles losing.....rioting, yelling at the sky, total denial, finger pointing, safe places, Play-Doh....sorry, got carried away. I like winning. My 401k is skyrocketing.
  18. 'Stunning' Tic Tac shaped UFO encounter by US Navy pilot? 'It was not from this world' [Hidden Content]
  19. Economy deals with dollars and cents, but actually, it is a mentality. That is where Nash is going with perception and indicators. The economy took off when it was apparent that Trump had a good chance to win, even though Hilarious was picked by a Landslide. There was no legislation needed.
  20. If we will always remember that obama is a muslim, then his actions are better understood. Now he can go live in his $8 million home behind a WALL!
  21. McCain shouldn't be allowed to serve public office with an incapacitating brain tumor. No one thinks this can impair his judgement?
  22. Yep, a bugaboo. What's wrong with viewing it again?
  23. When they get into the military, won't that shower be an experience.....shaving their legs and their beard? What if a real hairy guy whacks his pee pee, does he then start shaving his chest and back? I can see why these its are confused bunch. It confuses the hell out of me.
  24. We invented everything else.
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