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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Need I say more? May be hope yet. Most Californians back more deportations; nearly half support travel ban, survey finds [Hidden Content]
  2. Try Venezuela or Greece.
  3. Your question is not directed at me, but I couldn't pass it up. The answer to both questions is "nothing".
  4. Your entire second paragraph is nothing more than the result of things that people brought upon themselves, then blame someone else for their plight. Shameful Don't have unprotected sex if you can't afford to feed the baby. Don't enter countries illegally and you can't be deported. Takes a certain mind set to see it any other way.
  5. I'm afraid there are no winners. That's why it is called MAD.....mutually assured destruction.
  6. What's dumb is you only asking white people. Stop perpetuating the racial divide in this country. People like you is why there is one.
  7. Just curious, did you ask the Hispanic or Asian customers if they pre paid? That's part of the problem right there. Until you are willing to admit that, then you are perpetuating division.
  8. Add this one.....I told everyone that they were laundering money..... FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme [Hidden Content]
  9. You had me up until your last sentence. You have to be cold hearted sometimes. The bleeding heart is the easy way out.
  10. Funny, haven't seen a Russian response. Oh, that's right, Trump is in collusion with them. Anybody can throw out some diplomats. Russians failed miserably with their missile protection and lied about the American target acquisition percentages.
  11. Don't have to if you are Larry Bird. Cover him if you can, jump freak.
  12. White people are escorted out or arrested because they are misbehaving. Blacks are escorted out or arrested because they are black. That is the total black mentality.
  13. Sure am glad you're not racially biased. Lmao.
  14. Comey was looking out for #1. Isn't it weird how criminals in government aren't prosecuted and live to write a freaking book and make millions?
  15. This whole thing in a nutshell is man's conceited and selfish mentality that he can control everything, including Mother Nature. Sure wish we could have controlled Harvey. What happened there?
  16. Dang, I'm beginning to sound like Kountzer with the doom and gloom question.
  17. Maybe we are all missing the big picture here. I recall isis saying they want the end of the world as we know it to happen in Syria. Their plan was to get the world powers involved going against each other, the world would end and they get the spoils. Are we playing into their hand? Let me know if I got my wires crossed. BTW, I agree with the bombing of that animal Assad.
  18. Yeah, the treatment for heartburn is uncontrollable diarrhea. LMAO. Some side effects include death. That's what I try to stay away from. ...... And another thing..... Since we have been warned of these side effects, including death, does this excuse all the drug companies? It sure didn't help the tobacco companies.
  19. I miss his wife as his caddy.
  20. Some of the meds out there today have so many side effects that are worse than what you are treating. You have to listen closely. I know they have to cover all the bases in their disclaimer, but it makes me wonder how people can take that risk.
  21. Ah, the blue dress that wasn't washed for months. Remember though, he did not have sex with that woman.
  22. Simon Cowell dates porn stars. Do you have a problem with that or is it simply an agenda non-aligner.
  23. baddog


    Agree. Just that he preaches hell and damnation. Thought I would give him a dose.
  24. McCullers slumped last year and pitched a gem in the WS. Keuchel hasn't been "great" since he won the CY. Agree, no worries.
  25. Since you enjoy quoting from the book of Revelations and predicting the end of the world, here is something you might find interesting. Foot note: The end of the world has been falsely predicted millions of times. If Nostradamus couldn't get it right........ Biblical prophecy claims the Rapture is coming April 23, numerologist says [Hidden Content]
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