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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Where is the jail time for these fake accusers? Throw them in jail, this crap will cease.
  2. Military about to let them in. They can have their sex change on our dime. Only reason they pushed for military service. Surely none of us thought they wanted to be stationed in Iraq. Thilly thavages.
  3. This looks like a good place for this..... [Hidden Content]:
  4. OMG, you still haven't watched the video. Ignorance is bliss. Smh
  5. Does seem a bit careless, but Mueller looks like a DH on a mission. The American people deserve something better than these never-ending investigations that have turned up zero. Anyone who would overlook Hillary and go after Trump is a POS anyway you slice it.
  6. You have to be the stupidest poster on this board. If you watch the video and read the posts, you wouldn't have to ask your ignorant question.
  7. 'Arbitrary' adjustments exaggerate sea level rise, study finds [Hidden Content]
  8. It was a liberal bear.
  9. Cow flatulence is a huge contributor. Me and Reb are doing our best to rid the universe of these Earth killers.
  10. Has anyone seen the silly accusations? I especially like the Miss America contestant who said she didn't like the was Trump ogled her. Yet she is willing to walk out on a stage half naked in front of every man in the country and be ogled by them in order to WIN a contest.
  11. I also believed there was an oil shortage in the 70s. We were told there was enough oil to last 10 years. Wasn't that a scientific assessment? Ok, back to global warming.....
  12. Good one Reb. Most blacks will not watch the entire video. Once they hear her take on Kapertwit, they will turn it off. At least she is a free thinker, meaning she has the ability to use reasoning. It's the one thing that separates us from the animals.
  13. CNN followers, get s load of your NEWS station. Glad the can keep you up to date with Current Events. Truly, this is sad... [Hidden Content]
  14. Viewed the video again and he did reach for his waist. Not taking the cop's side because it could have been handled much better, but our problem watching the video is that we already know he was unarmed.
  15. Then why is this woman even part of the equation? Are we attempting a moral compass when dealing with Washington D.C. or even government in general? Do we need to go back 40 years on all elected officials and see who their prom dates were and their ages? Wow, talk about an investigation.
  16. Well, I thought I had seen them all and I did jump (who doesn't). At least I wasn't this bad. [Hidden Content]
  17. Agree, but still not illegal, and isn't that what this is all about? 54 dating a 37 yo is the same age difference as Moore's.
  18. Hollywood is full of couples with huge age differences. It's not even frowned upon. Let a republican get him some young stuff, it's time for the gallows. What a double standard considering how liberal Hollywood is. Sins of the flesh are the most difficult to deny.
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. ......sick of refugees.... Anti-migrant leader pushes to win national power in Italy [Hidden Content]
  21. Haven't seen the blm remarks. This is a terrible incident and puts cops in a bad light. Don't think it is a national, everyday problem. The court system is the problem child here.
  22. What about the video? Is she a free thinker or is someone holding a gun to her head?
  23. Where is the left's outrage? Talk about “Hands up, Don't shoot”. Why isn't this video on CNN? Ferguson was. Sorry for making this political. An innocent man was killed for no reason. Can't help but notice Big Girl not chiming in. WLM.
  24. Doesn't it require one to be a racist to always look for the racist angle? I would like to hear what people think about the young woman in the video and her perceptions of the democratic party. Does anyone remember what Lyndon Baines Johnson said about black people? Maybe it is ringing true, at least from her standpoint it certainly is. Libs are the reason a box of fishhooks has a warning label not to put them in your mouth.
  25. I can't understand why he couldn't hold the gun on him while his partner cuffed him. What's up with all the crawling?
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