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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Best Football Fans: A: Dallas Cowboys B: A C: B
  2. They knew who he was. Took a while to positive I.D. Blowing oneself to smithereens will have that effect. Can't wait to see what he was mad about.
  3. ^^^^^ Sorry, that should read Geraldo.
  4. ..... And he can think FOR them, since they don't possess the mental faculties required for self-preservation.
  5. Saw an article on this today. I had already thought the same thing myself so I will just say it. Mueller should not have an endless supply of funds to investigate anything he chooses. Here's getting rich finding nothing. Reminds me of Heraldo Rivera and the safe.
  6. Yeah, my 850 fps .45 acp FMJ would probably feel like a BB. I have a pellet rifle that's faster than that, but that .45 is like getting hit with a 4 lb. mall.
  7. Reb, when I hear "trip wires", is it too far fetched to think military training?. It at least narrows the field somewhat.
  8. I'm going to sue Schwarzenegger for impersonating a human being.
  9. Four from the Big XII. Woo Hoo. J/k I'll take Duke.
  10. Reb, is this an attempt at indoctrination? I think so. Coming out of New Jersey, it surprised me that gun advocates lawyer are ready to sue the pants off of the ISD. [Hidden Content]
  11. Sad how we cannot accept the real blame and see how preventable this truly was, had people only listened. I believe several other mass shootings could have been avoided had signs been detected before hand. Will we simply overlook all these scenarios to push a gun agenda? This lets me know that citizen “safety” is not behind the anti-gun movement of the left. Far from it. Some officials wanted Stoneman Douglas suspect Nikolas Crus committed in 2016 [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Always remember and never forget.....the politicians who want illegal immigration don't mingle with them on a daily basis. They want it for the votes, but you have to be illegal “over there. Stay away from their mansions with the built in walls. Maybe they are afraid of being killed, something they push on us.
  14. I can’t believe a “Nazi” would say something like that. Lol. What I can’t understand is if it’s ok to deal with Farrakhan, what's so bad about Hitler? Their principles are very similar. Farrakhan simply doesn't possess the total power and reign of Hitler. Neither are worth spitting on.
  15. The anti-Christ is no longer president.
  16. Man, did I screw that up. Opening day is March 29th. Maybe Verlander will be up after all.
  17. Got tickets for opening weekend, April 7, my birthday vs. the Padres. Section 128, row 30, seats 1 & 2. Staying at Hampton Inn right across the street from Minute Maid, Friday and Saturday night. Would like to see Verlander pitch but he pitches opening day on Tuesday before. Not a problem. Might get McCullers.
  18. We did say there must be something in the water. Lol, this could be it!
  19. More about snowflake California..... I have aerated sewer water that is supposed to be potable. I still don't drink it. [Hidden Content]
  20. ..... Says the guy wasting time on a back water message board. The National Anthem is for everyone. This one is for blacks only...... How divisive. Can we have a white anthem? Do I need your permission? ......NOT.
  21. All the white players should take a knee.
  22. Who cares, right? Guess this proves it. [Hidden Content]
  23. True enough. What I like is that we still have young conservatives in congress who have the abiltiy to express their values in a way that can't be denied. I bet every democrat who was in that room was thinking “how the heck do you follow that?” They should have been hanging their heads in shame too.
  24. Made me so angry that I wanted to scream at the sky, but some of us have a little self control. The way Trump blurts out some things, I wanted to wait and see a little more before passing judgement. [Hidden Content]
  25. He should have kept this country with open borders, then we could all enjoy no-go zones. What say ye leftys? Angela Merkel admits that 'no-go zones' exist in Germany [Hidden Content]
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