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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Am I the only one who saw the Texas hurry up offense stopped from snapping the ball until the OK St. player got off the field?
  2. I began to question the media the day Dan Rather took over for Walter Cronkite. And that's the way it is.
  3. Better known as the kitchen sink mob.
  4. Peacock gave up a HR to Judge and stayed in. McCullers gave up a HR to Judge while allowing just his second hit and was yanked. To me, that's what lost game four. Let's go Astros!
  5. Ozen couldn't get a call tonight. Refs gave the game to Nederland to the tune of 56 points. Lol
  6. The only thing about Bush that bothered me a little was he said nucular instead of nuclear, but he seemed like such an approachable man that I gave him a pass on that one.
  7. Since you are the expert on everything, how is it that they are called transgendered when they have not had the surgery? Plus, isn't a transgendered male attracted to males (which makes him a queer)? This one took an innocent 10 year old girl because he still had his junk. How you can defend that is beyond reproach. You are lower than whale poop.
  8. I sure do miss Bush. He was a leader. In all honesty, his message reflects problems created on all sides.
  9. Bankers and corporations running the country.....I don't see the problem. Who would you have run it?
  10. .... Probably already leads the country in HIV cases. This should ensure that they will, in fact, take the lead. [Hidden Content]
  11. Big Girl, what if that was your daughter? Would your response be the same? Oh, and this is one that got reported.
  12. Coming from you, that's a compliment Lamont. What qualifies my statement to be pathetic? Is it a secret that Maddow hates Trump and gets egg on her face all the time?
  13. Absolutely nothing new.
  14. I would have never guessed that this could possibly happen...... Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  15. I'd like to be stuck with his girlfriend.
  16. Another Russian probe? Man, they have been ridden more than Seattle Slew.
  17. baddog


    Nope, the pos just left office. He did nothing for you but you kiss his arse because he is black. Pucker up now. Now he is trying to rally "the troups". Why would they even listen? Oh yeah, almost forgot.
  18. Stupid post. Typical
  19. ......and?
  20. baddog


    Kinda hard to rally people you did nothing for. I guess an anti Trump platform will suffice.
  21. Steyn: Conspiracy 'nuts' right to be suspicious about Vegas [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  22. Well that sucked buckets. One of the best hitting lineups in MLB and we get shutout. Yankee pitching isn't any better than we have faced. Gurriel on second with no outs and we can't get him home. Advanced him to third and can't even get a sac fly. Pitiful, just pitiful.
  23. We are terrible with RISP
  24. Making robots. Lol. Can't let them make themselves, they could become radicalized.
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