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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Then you can't possibly know what it is like to be a white person trying to deal with the likes of supposedly oppressed black people. Everything cannot always be someone else's fault. Accepting responsibility for the way you play life's hand is being an adult.
  2. This one is up for being kissed. What would it take to make you satisfied? What scenarios have to play out for you to stop your belly aching? Seriously, and don't mention Trump. You have had something up your arse for years. Don't blame Trump.
  3. We already have, Lamont. Now, say something about the Chicago murder rate. Go ahead. You'll feel better.
  4. What rock have you been hiding under?
  5. Yep, it's what got wedge all fired up.
  6. Wow, way to repost yourself. You are not Big Girl. I think it is more funny how you DON'T talk about black on black crime. We have thoroughly discussed this one.
  7. You call that an answer?
  8. On what grounds?
  9. The irony being that "ruffling feathers" is what got Trump in there. Lmao.
  10. Fire the SOBs. See, nothing happened. I have my rights.
  11. Tobie, where are all the other freaking countries that we send billions of dollars in aid? Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, not a state, unless you are Obama. Then there would be several more.
  12. Thank you. It was such a race hatred rant I didn't know where to begin. Then I had the "bet you wouldn't say that in a crowd of blacks" threat. What does that tell me about blacks? One would think we could use this board to air our differences, which was my attempt, but when my scenario gets absolutely no justifiable answer, we see what actually comes out. I thought it was very courageous of me to sit at that special table and say what I did. No one went off on me at all. Some even laughed. Guess it depends on the class of the person, which is by what we should all be judged. I have said this before, I know a black man who has an 18" cross tattooed in the middle of his back in rememberance if my deceased son. He has stayed at my house and is welcome anytime. My son and he were best friends. He is unlike the blacks on this board with their race cards and the chip on their shoulder. How can race relations improve when they can't be discussed? I try to be real. I am"cloaking" nothing.
  13. I bet the Yankees wish the Red Sox would have won since they have a winning record against them this season. It's a two way street. Not a soft spot in Houston's lineup. Should be a good series.
  14. I wonder how your old gang would come out if they were miked up?
  15. What is s race baiter? I am constantly reminded of how whites interacted with blacks 150 years ago and am supposedly made to feel guilty about it. Guess what? I feel no guilt at all. Now, I bring up a situation in recent history of how blacks interact with whites and you take your ball and go home while calling me a baiter. See how stupid and insensitive that is?
  16. Slave owner? They haven't heard of free agency? Million dollar slaves? Lmao
  17. Apples and oranges dude. You have a one track mind and it's of the track.
  18. Isn't this worse than dragging, yet not a peep out of any blacks concerning this guy. We all condemned the guys who dragged James Byrd. See the difference?
  19. You gave a perfect example of saying nothing.
  20. You can't condemn Trump unless you condemn all. If you don't, then you are as fake as Kapertwit.
  21. Again, Bill, Hillary, Barrack Hussein, and Michelle's friend.... Grab um! [Hidden Content]
  22. I can see it all now. Call to the sheriff's office.." I feel the need to kill somebody. Gonna cost you $1500 for me to forget it. Can you direct deposit that or will it be a cashier's check?"
  23. So they can all be bought. Not one martyr amongst them.
  24. More from Michelle... [Hidden Content]
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