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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Blacks act like they want to "move in" and be your neighbor, but really you want to take over. Don't lie. At work, in the lunchroom, I went and sat at the " black" table. Imagine that. I was asked what I was doing. I said integrating.
  2. I can tell by your tone that you have God in your life.
  3. You are a fraud.
  4. There's the excuse!!!!!! You’re as fake as Kapertwit. Women being disrespected is selective, like Nash said.
  5. Ah, but you voted for this POS. Weinstein ties to Clinton, Obama run deep [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. Aren't you going to say he “grabbed 'em?
  7. No one cares about Kapertwit. He's a fake. He dangled a carrot in front of all of you and you took the bait. What a bunch of blind, no thinking followers. He's your hero.
  8. Talk about beating a drum...... Duh.
  9. I wonder how many excuses he can come up with for this relationship. I bet he tried to "grab 'em". She really likes the pervs. [Hidden Content]
  10. Don't hold your breath.
  11. His girlfriend worked there. You don't think there could be some connection do you? To be on the 32nd floor, one would certainly be under more scrutiny as the upper floors cost $10s of thousands per night. Yeah, he dressed the part. What is so weird about that?
  12. Its all about rights. You have the right to spit on the graves of people who laid down their lives for you and me, and he has the right to call you SOBs
  13. I double dare any lefty on this board to read this and say it is feasible. I say it has to be the freakin stupidest thing I have ever heard. What can you people come up with next? I will sit idly by and watch California melt into the doldrums. They are quickly on their way.
  14. Astros take care of business and advance to the American League Championship.
  15. Call me crazy, but I like Morton.
  16. When I posted that we were up 2-0. I was responding to the other guys talking about Cleveland. I know we have to take care of business at hand.
  17. Your boy was flirting with a BLONDE at Nelson Mandela's funeral. How classless.
  18. You have never heard a man exaggerate about his sexual prowess? Really? Why aren't these women crawling out of the woodwork like they did Bill Cosby? Crickets.....
  19. Kap is a punk who can be bought off. I already said he was simply drawing attention to himself since he couldn't do it with a football. "Please Mr. Goodell, I will forget about black oppression and salute the flag if you will get my job back." What a POS!..... And you black people fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I saw right through his fake agenda. Lmao.
  20. Englebert, you big old, bad old, mean old bully. They're going to take their ball and go home now. Wahhhhhhh.
  21. Biased announcers are bad for both fan bases. They ruin the game.
  22. Then you are delusional. Lol
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