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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Wouldn't this be the same as a black referring to another black as an "Uncle Tom"?
  2. Ah, you are so forgiving of the black community. You find character in their apology. How about the radio host who said the girls basketball team had nappy hair and tats? He apologized. Didn't see you sticking up for him or finding character in his apology. Funny how that works huh? The only reason for the apology was because they looked stupid. You follow blm?
  3. Lol. Nash, you will like this article. This is just the tip. More to come as the investigation moves along, I'm sure. [Hidden Content]
  4. Big Girl. You said Trump "LIED" because he said he would prosecute Hillary then decided against it. Guess you need to look up the definition of lie. He's having another change of heart. Has he lied again, or is it that Justice must be served? Read this. [Hidden Content]
  5. Since when does blm apologize for getting riled over falsehoods? I mean, this is as untrue as " Hands up, don't shoot". I guess as long as one apologizes, it's ok to expose the chip on one's shoulder. [Hidden Content]
  6. Any man who would whack off his pee pee is very sick indeed.
  7. We have had nukes since WWII. Fought Korea in the early 50s. If we are so nuke happy, why not nuke them then? Some people have a huge problem justifying their convictions. We should have listened to McArthur and Patton.
  8. I won't ignore it at all. [Hidden Content]
  9. Conflict of interest..... [Hidden Content]
  10. Anyone with a brain tumor should not be allowed to vote on any bill.
  11. You only deal with stats that are in your favor. The stats that Nash posted tell the story. You will act like those don't exist. Typical......
  12. If you don't, I suggest I-10. [Hidden Content]
  13. They were last in quality of life. Doesn't that say it all?
  14. Wasn't that the name of the intelligence outfit on Get Smart?
  15. What's the matter, run out of Russian angles?
  16. How many Attorney Generals did your boy lose? You must be an expert in embarrassment.
  17. with MS-13. How can anybody feel bad for them? [Hidden Content]
  18. Isn't California on the brink of bankruptcy? Remember, Big Girl says that's illegal. Worst sight for a Texan is a lib pulling a U-Haul, unless they are vacating. Lmao.
  19. Some people catching on to what is going on and that it's bad. [Hidden Content]
  20. I hope they hire a butch dyke with a sew-on to be your nurses’ aide.
  21. Our government can't even keep up with FEDEX, how are we going to manage healthcare? Big Girl should have an answer.
  22. What a stupid response. Typical third grade dingbat.
  23. Who's offended? Who flipped the script? This is what happens when dingbats answer posts not directed to them. Pathetic is a RN lying to get Obamacare. Look in the dictionary under pathetic, it would have your picture.
  24. This doesn't phase them at all. It's all circumstantial.
  25. I believe that to an extent. I believe in chemistry and having hot streaks. Sometimes a rest can do more harm than good. I have seen the Braves lose a 20 game lead in a little over a month. Not saying that will happen, but I like keeping the foot on the gas. Maybe it's why I'm not a manager in MLB.
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