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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Well, Harvey is coming to share some of his power with maybe a few of these idiots. Enjoy.
  2. We were detoured at Nederland avenue, which is where we were headed anyway. Saw on the news, after you cross 365 on 69 South, it became lake Port Arthur. Never saw that before now. Prayers to those folks.
  3. Thanks, I am with kinfolk in Nederland. Niece and husband drove through high water to pick us up at Church in LaBelle where sheriff's department dropped us off from boat rescue. I consider myself blessed. Appreciate the offer.
  4. Neighbor stayed behind because hit sits much higher than me. Checked my house and says the water got no higher than when I left and has receded some. Hopefully spared my truck. Lost my barn contents but things are looking up. Of course I am glad that we survived, but now that I am safe, those material things are what I have sweated for all my life and some are not replaceable. My prayers are with everyone affected by this terrible storm.
  5. Got out ok. Probably a total loss.
  6. Sheriff Dept is supposed to be on the way.
  7. Cajun Navy on the way. Probably will be a total loss.
  8. If I need a boat in the morning, what's a good number to call? 9-11 and 3-11 may be hard to get through.
  9. Rain is slacking off but it is still raining. If it moves on off, hopefully I can handle the runoff.
  10. Is that the fire on Kylewood? It's on tv that it has spread to three houses. Be safe.
  11. Here is something for those yo-yos to ponder. Like I said, they have no clue.... Houston is nearly as big as Sweden - Fox News [Hidden Content]
  12. Hope you come out ok. Water touching the skirt of my trailer. Another 3' rise and it's in my house. Still have power also.
  13. Thanks. You ok?
  14. I have been praying all night. Can't sleep. May need a boat in the morning.
  15. Man, I learn something new everyday. Clinton must have a hit list for FBI members. FBI shuts down request for files on Hillary Clinton by citing lack of public interest [Hidden Content]
  16. Still not in my trailer. About 4' rise would do it. It's creeping into my barn. We do have power and supplies. If the rain stops tonight, maybe it will begin to go down. After the storm passes, hopefully they will open the flood gates and start pumping. Thanks. I will stay in touch.
  17. Does this look like white racists? Photos: Harvey floodwaters overwhelm Texas [Hidden Content]
  18. Ha ha ha ....wait till they need gasoline. They have no clue what Texas means to the USA.
  19. Almost as funny as Hillary being met by 6 people at Mid County airport. Entertainers look at projected ticket sales before they travel and perform. So I fail to see the humor.
  20. They forgot Mississippi just like all the news and weather people have forgotten Aransas Pass and Rockport. Just like they spurned Southeast Texas when Rita hit. All we heard about was Katrina. "Superstorm Sandy" was barely a Cat 1 but look at the coverage because it affected NY. Don't think for one second I don't feel for the people of Houston because I do. The flooding is worse because of the way Houston is set up, but this is not where the storm hit. Ok, I'm done.
  21. Thanks. I've already notified my work that I can't get out. Both ends of Hillebrandt are barricaded and Humble Camp Road is impassable. Flood gates sealed the deal for us and Hamshire/Fannet.
  22. Yep, that blocks me in.
  23. What next? Maybe they can tax stupid. Health professionals report cases where people put sunscreen on their eyeballs to watch eclipse [Hidden Content]
  24. Leave it to Californians. I thought i had heard everything. Sorry if off topic. Health professionals report cases where people put sunscreen on their eyeballs to watch eclipse [Hidden Content]
  25. Lmao. These are the same people that need warning labels on a package of fish hooks saying "Do not put in mouth".
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