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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Lol.....but...but...it was just a simple FOIA request. Nothing to see here.
  2. Total bs. A beaten and hungry slave could not work, just like a hungry soldier will not fight. Tired of the racist/slavery crap. If that is all you are about, I have nothing else to say to you.
  3. Where does that rank with showing your boner on an airline flight? Please differentiate.
  4. Look up William Mack Lee. Guess he will be declared an uncle Tom. You really and truly don't know what you are talking about.
  5. Is that all you got from my post meant for Big Girl?
  6. Whatever dude. You are hopeless and a waste of my time. You can't see the forest for the trees. Your new name.....Armadillo.
  7. In all fairness, Kap has the right to protest. I just think he is drawing attention to himself because he can't do it with a football. He used the power of NFL coverage to get his message across, whatever that may be. Because of his anti-American stance, NFL viewer ratings dropped significantly. I'll be honest with you if you are with me. Until recently, I never heard of a white nationalist. Still not sure what the qualifications are to be one. Probably one of those collective terms that strokes a broad brush by including anything related to white people. I am who I am. I need no one to speak for me or tell me how to think. I believe in God and guns. If you come at me to harm me, I hope God steers you correctly. If not, you will meet the latter. Does isis really need to be explained to you?
  8. Boyfriend....good one. Is that where we are at? Really? If you don't' believe your boy Obama is the reason for the racial upheaval today, you are as blind and deaf as an armadillo. Seriously Tobie. It all started with the beer in the yard between the black professor and the cop. It all went downhill from there because the blacks got the idea that they didn't have to listen to cops anymore. Hence the escalation in crime, violence, and shootings due to presidential backing. All the anti-white attitude today stems from a president who had no jurisdiction nor reasoning behind involvement into a civil affair. Name one other president who interfered with a simple arrest case. Answer......you can't. Why wiuld Trump support nazis when he doesn't fit the profile....blonde hair and blue eyes....the supposed perfect Arian race. Guess how many people don't fit......including myself.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Obviously, you haven't read as many posts from Tobie as I have. He has a genuine side as do I, but he is mostly on here to stir the pot. Ask other posters if you don't believe me. This is why I respond in kind to him. Tried having heart to heart discussions with him but both sides have to be perfectly honest. He is one who will never be satisfied. Work with a white man just like Tobie in that he always complains no matter what.
  10. When the company has no whites working.
  11. That belongs to your boy....lock, stock, and barrell.
  12. Not for ISIS. Duh Lamont. Kap is a punk.
  13. Apples and oranges. You are good at that. Also, your illegal immigrant Muslims don't have the right to rally. That is only for American citizens. Get with the program!
  14. And yours has? What does that have to do with anything? I missed the parallels.
  15. Yes, get over it. It was over many moons ago. You didn't get the memo? Kaepernick had nothing at all to do with my statement. Here's a crybaby black guy, raised by white people and shows no more respect than that? Who cares if he plays? He sucks like a lot of also rans.
  16. Yeah, we wouldn't want those possessing free speech counter protesting at a free speech rally.
  17. How about the great pyramids of Egypt? They are shrines built by slaves. Hey, enter the Jews again. Are the Jews protesting against blacks about their pyramids? Should we tear them down? Has it been long enough to forget?
  18. Who needs a statue where you still have his death camps? And really, there is no comparing Hitler with Robert E. Lee.
  19. Also, Hitler may have been Jewish. How ironic. [Hidden Content]
  20. Auschwitz is a tourist attraction. The Jews want the world to remember The Holocaust.
  21. She should be arrested for a terroristic threat. [Hidden Content]
  22. I said so what to you, but it is meant for everyone. So what if slavery happened? It's been practiced since the beginning of man. Nothing you nor I can do to change it. Absolutely nothing. They were freed. What else can be done? Seems to me the ones who love to harp on it should concentrate their energy on stopping the slave trade happening today. But alas, that would not line their pockets.
  23. So what? It happened. Can't change history. Tearing down a statue won't make it go away. You take sides with these people?
  24. Is that a class at Berkeley?
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