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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I can't believe anyone is this naive. Here is an article from Fox. It is true. US vows it will 'never accept a nuclear North Korea' after new missile test [Hidden Content]
  2. I'm having bbq and burgers at in laws. A couple brewskys should finish the day off pretty well. Happy 4th.
  3. ..... Then what do you name it, a genderless name? How about Knot Shore?
  4. Two posts above..... Last sentence
  5. North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm [Hidden Content]
  6. Apples and oranges. Your hate precedes you.
  7. Please show me where Obama cared about anyone, but you will sing his praises just because he is black. You have no stance. Did you even read my post? Wtf does lawsuits and 3rd wife have to do with ANYTHING???
  8. I can't figure what you do know with any certainty. The Obama administration cast Un off as a sabre rattler. Sanctions have been stepped up and we can see how well that works. Now, with the help of Iran, he is trying to develop an ICBM with capabilities of striking US soil. He can probably already hit Hawaii, but he wants to hit Frisco or LA. Can you fathom the loss of LA? Sabre rattler my rear end. All you can do is try to blame Trump for everything, just like people tried to blame Bush for 9/11. We will probably go to war with Korea.
  9. Everyone lost yesterday on the Astros' day off and we pick up 1/2 game on all. Closest team is 15 games back. Wow, gotta keep it going. Let's not forget that the Dodgers are only one game worse than us. That would be good matchup and hopefully will be the WS. Still early, but this team is very special.
  10. You are constantly trying to become one of those that you loathe. How two faced.
  11. A hell of a lot more at stake here than a few tomohawk missiles. No sense trying to explain it to you. I will say this.....North Korean and Iranian missiles are almost identical. Guess who freed up $billions to Iran and it coinciding with North Korea's advancement in missile technology? Connect the dots?
  12. You expect it to be free? How would you get paid? Have you seen the young children who have spent their entire young lives in a hospital? They are not all rich so why don't you shut up. I have seen them plenty of times. Have an appointment for Monday and will gladly let these kids go ahead of me in line. Even the rich foreigners because they must be worse off than me.......and you're a nurse? How shameful.
  13. What would either party have to do to convince you? The president's job, first and foremost, is to protect the citizens of the US from enemies foreign and domestic. Trump is trying to do just that and gets blocked every which way he turns. What is her supposed to do, hand you some money? Everyone has their price. You are no different. You would sell out the rest of us for your own personal gain, yet you crucify Trump because you think that is exactly what he had done. You have to be consistent or you are too faced.
  14. This is why the left is falling apart. The left is correct and everything Trump does is evil and full of wickedness. How can Trump "run the country" when he has a crybaby lib blocking everything he does? If you don't realize how influential the press can be, and how important it is to be truthful, then I don't know what to tell you. Did you see the undercover video of the CNN broadcaster and the top dog dodging reporters? That aurely wasn't fake, but it doesnt' affect the liberal mindset one iota. Pretty sad really.
  15. Libs will spin it as being totally political.
  16. 14 game lead is good any time of year. Doing this without Keuchel and McHugh is amazing. Fiers pitched a 2 hitter in 4 innings, but his pitch count was real high. Beating the Yankees 5 out of 7 on the year.........priceless!
  17. You are so right about the slavery angle. Sammy Hagar got the speed limit changed back. Lol
  18. Yeah, but he's worth billions!!!! Thought we weren't supposed to make fun of face lifts....I mean other people's looks. Two face.
  19. You know. there are some smart people in the world. Too bad none of them are democrats....except Hoops.
  20. is on the other foot.... Lmao. [Hidden Content]
  21. A physical attack is when you actually lay hands or an implement on someone. A video cannot be considered a physical attack, except in the lib mindset.
  22. Anything Trump can do to expose the Communist News Network, I'm behind him 100%. Notice how BG hasn't commented on the undercover video?
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