No, don't forget their friend. Bill and Hillary made several trips to Orgy Island to have sex with minors. That's the truth. You can turn your head now.
Leave it to you to avoid the entire post except for the last sentence. Where are these women he supposedly groped? Are they holding back like the ones against Cosby? Lmao.
These people would not have made it on the life boats of the Titanic.
In Muslim countries, women and children are second class citizens..... and that's from the "good" ones.
Tobie, see how these people you love so much treat women? They rape their women and sexually mutilate their daughters. Those are the kinds of mongrels that deserve to be Americans. Yeah right.
Do you really have moral values or is that simply a smokescreen?
Tobie says that Trump spends too much taxpayer money, yet he is rich in his own right.
Obama however, has the Dems on his back now, and we all know how uncomfortable that can be.
What say you Tobie?
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Please pick out the fake fakes. Mack's examples are already exhibits of fake news, so if you point out the fake, then you have a double fake and I don't know where that leaves you.