Not the same at all. In the O.J. Case, all the evidence was thrown out in the criminal trial so there was not enough facts to convict. In the civil trial, however, the same evidence was admitted and he was convicted of murder. Anyone who sides with O.J. is a POS!
You mean the same domestic violence thing that hung over his head all last season that nothing came of, or the assault charge in the bar that the police stopped investigating?
This is why there is no season on them. Kill them all. They are good for absolutely nothing.
That guy is a pretty good shot. Wonder what gun he is shooting?
You are not suggesting that it was due to someone else's policies.
Funny how the time line keeps moving for Trump. For healthcare you wonder how it has taken so long. For improving the economy, you wonder how it can happen so quickly. What a crybaby. That is how a little kid thinks. Good thing the adults are back in control. Wahhhhhhh
You really need to start watching the adult news channels. It is why you are uninformed. Setex Spots is your news channel? We do have a way of setting you straight. Lmao.
I think it is more that the witch hunts against Trump have died and they have nothing else. They never argue policy. They just blatantly throw out personal insults towards Trump and anyone associated with him. Since they can't debate, except for Hoops, they curl up in their corners with their thumbs in their mouths waiting to hurl another insult. What a platform.
I think you nailed it when you said they know they will be believed because they say what their followers want to hear. If they reported that the Dow went up today because of Trump, most would turn the channel. the unemployment line. Hey, maybe he can apply for Obamacare before it dies. He has certainly earned the right to sponge off the working class. It's guys like this that make MY heart bleed. You betcha!
Virginia McDonald's employee refuses to serve uniformed police officer [Hidden Content]
Maybe you can come up with the correct "idoit" here. Read it and go suck your thumb in the fetal position....
FBI turns over 7,000 documents from Weiner laptop in Clinton-tied case [Hidden Content]
Just like they milked his murder arrest. How many of us would have been escorted in that way? They would have pulled us over with guns drawn. The whole thing was a circus.
What about the people needing Medicare that Medicaid is sucking the life blood out of? Where is your compassion for those who did pay in? Don't act like a compassionate person when all you want is for YOUR bread to be buttered at someone else's expense.