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Everything posted by baddog

  1. baddog


    If he gets out, it's not like his trouble days are over. I really couldn't care less for the murderer.
  2. Ok, leeches.
  3. What about the people needing Medicare that Medicaid is sucking the life blood out of? Where is your compassion for those who did pay in? Don't act like a compassionate person when all you want is for YOUR bread to be buttered at someone else's expense.
  4. Obama said something about Sessions?
  5. She is just the mouth for her writers. She can't even read what she feels. How much money is she worth......putting down millionaires.
  6. I see no mention of Bush here.... [Hidden Content]
  7. What difference does it make about the education of voters? You never questioned the education of the illegal alien vote. You are really one to question anyone's edumacation. Lmfao.
  8. Your name calling doesn't bother me. It only shows how limited you are......and that's idoit. Hillary's approval rating is lower than whale crap. What has Hillary done for black people, since that is all you care about?
  9. Doesn't matter if it does run dry. The ones pushing the agendas are already well off and couldn't care less what happens to Americans.
  10. Wahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Go cry to someone who else. You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a rats arse. Why not bring Bill and Hillary into it.....because Tobie says it's unfair? Lmfao!
  11. How about we push Rosie the lesbian off the cliff? Can't believe she was allowed to adopt kids......poor kids.
  12. You couldn't be more wrong.
  13. I don't think you will see kids pulled off of ventilators, but then you would go to the extreme. My not caring about who would lose their coverage is directed at people like you. You know, the RNs who can afford their own insurance but decide to lie (which is criminal) to get Obamacare, therefore taking money away that could go towards those kids on ventilators. Like I said......trash.
  14. If you have to ask, then you really dont read the news. Thank God for the funny papers. Hillary would be the first. Name the inappropriate meetings for Trump. Tough to laugh in their face when you are at war! We got the last laugh. You would think it hilarious because you are trash.
  15. No one thinks of me. Where is this compassion you speak of? You possess none. A compassionate person has compassion for everyone, not just those they select. Obama golfed during the big meetings. How could he doze? What about Korea testing missiles during your Boy's reign? Still not a peep. Good dodge.
  16. I just thought they looked like used-to-be men.
  17. Are they confused as to where to go to the restroom?
  18. Hey Big Girl, why don't you post stuff like this? Who is sleeping with Putin again? Shouldn't Stephen Colbert rethink his sexual comment to include Hillary and Bill? Hillary Clinton sided with Russia on sanctions as Bill made $500G on Moscow speech [Hidden Content]
  19. If people like Big Girl ran this country, we would all be speaking German or wouldn't exist at all. Was any meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians illegal?
  20. It will die on its own. Good riddance.
  21. Big Girl. You don't do enough research to type a paragraph of such magnitude. Who laughed at him? Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you are wrong. The Germans and Japanese had a laugh at us in WWII. How did that work out for them? Who got the last laugh? You don't possess an inkling of world politics. If Trump attacked Korea, you would gripe about that. Korea also tested missiles during your boy's reign. Didn't hear a peep out of you. Hillary really handled him alright. Lmao. How many Dems had Russian contacts? You won't even mention that will you? I'm glad Obamacare will die. It was a joke to begin with and failed miserably on its own. Don't care who loses coverage because no one considered me when passing that BS. I would doze on the G20 also. Ever hear of jet lag? Of course not. Done need the Russians to have dirt on Hillary. Anything else? Now, go get some Play-Doh and sit in the corner. The adults are handling the mess created by your BOY.
  22. I liked the part where the diwi said they're attacks were self defense. I wouldn't even want this guy on my side, much less leading the pack.
  23. She has a perspective? Couldn't be more than a "yeah, right"
  24. Plus, it's hard to get a 40 hour weekday with only 24 to work with. I have no problem with unions. Just don't try and convince me that they are the most skilled. Everyone can't be union.
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