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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Can stop a lot of BS. [Hidden Content]
  2. Yeah, I might shoot myself in the back of the head........twice.
  3. Do we have to contribute to the Wonder Woman Foundation?
  4. I think we should throw some money at it and see if it sticks. You know, contribute to man's insane and selfish inclinations that he can control everything.
  5. I have NEVER read a post on this board where someone said they didn't want to help the needy. What a terrible thing to say. What do you think about the gunman? I would say he has mental issues, but today's Dems all seem to be a bit antsy. I'm afraid it will get worse before it gets better. Gun control is not the answer, never is. Open carry is the answer.
  6. They are good for three shaves also. Lol. Everyone nicks themselves from time to time. My problem is that I try to get too many shaves out of one razor.
  7. You blame this on Trump? Don't you think he inherited all of this? After all, he just became a politician. This thread is about coming clean. Do you really think if there was any proof of any of the unlimited number of charges Trump has had leveled against him in such a short time, that at least one would have turned up something? You worry about the politicians taking your money yet you never questioned Obama's $80 billion "clean technology" scam. Ask Al Gore how much he has pocketed off the biggest scam ever, known as climate change. See, you really don't care or you would have complained. Simple as that. You simply hate Trump and it will continue to cloud your judgment.
  8. I'm on a daily 81 mg. aspirin regimen. Cut myself shaving I bleed like a stuck pig. It helps control my blood pressure so it is keeping me alive. Without it, I would probably stroke out.
  9. How conveniently you forget the off duty police officer that killed both dumbass muslims who came to Texas for the ridiculing of Mohammed with cartoons. If I see a pos muslim about to harm you or your family, I would kill him/her. Just like shooting a varmint.
  10. That's DEBIL
  11. All you care about is who can put money in your pocket. Obama put money in his (Solyndra) but you smite Trump for making money with his previously owned businesses. How has Trump taken money from the public? With you and your wife's well paying jobs, WTF do you have to complain about?
  12. Total BS and you know it.
  13. What I said has nothing to do with wealth. Keep it coming with the "baby momma" crap. How disrespectful to women you truly are.
  14. This is as confusing as Father's Day on your side of town.
  15. Typical answer. Most are just reporting facts. The only thing Dems will condemn is GUNS!!!!! Wanna bet? Reb condemned it, and so do I. Had this happened in Texas, four people would have gunned him down before he could have gotten off 5 rounds.
  16. Of course not, but they screamed when a Sanders voter racially slurred some muslims.
  17. Only a totally uncaring individual would poke fun at America's leaders being gunned down. Wow, just when I think you couldn't sink any lower, you come on here with crap like this.
  18. What does this mean?
  19. Maybe more facts here. Shooter is dead. [Hidden Content]
  20. Do you throw this in the faces of your supposed white friends? I wonder what they would think of you if they knew this is how you truly feel?
  21. Jab and run. That's all he has. He wants real ammo, but he shoots Nerf balls. Some of these sites he accesses, I'm afraid to click on. I'll ask this again.... What did Obama do for black people?
  22. In Virginia..... [Hidden Content]
  23. Dude, give it up. Do you really call what you do debating? You are as Big Girl.
  24. If you weren't the victim of rectal/cranial inversion, you could possibly debate instead of your typical name calling and first grade na na na na na na attitude. Your boy Obama is the biggest racist to hold public office, especially POTUS.
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