Hillary is still crying and blaming everyone except herself for being a LOSER! You could go cry with her. Get over it. Trump is your president and will be referred to as such for the rest of his life.
This is always your angle. Pretty pitiful if you ask me. What about Maher using the N word? Shouldn't he lose his job? A radio personality lost his job over saying the girls had nappy hair and tats. Ne xtbtime I saw those women, they had their hair fixed up nice and were wearing long sleeved shirts. Fo freqkin figure.
Answer the question nappy. Are you scared?
Obama just purchased an $8 million house. Where the f did he get that much money with his political salaries? Solyndra? How about LBJ with his Brown and Root in Vietnam?
Your last four years comment seems you are giving credit to Obama for these hirings. Forget that! Obama hates the oil industry and did everything in his power to hamper expansion and exploration. Don't give that yo-yo one iota of credit. I will shoot it down everytime.
Does Trump own oil stocks or are you just running your head again?
They have been burning since before Trump took office, love Obama the boner. Did you see the neighborhood folks on the news? All they care about is compensation. They have Obamacare, so that sucks. Never once mentioned their pollution concerns. As long as they get them some monies, it could burn till hell freezes over.
And that's the name of that tune!
Griffin is simply a celebrity craving the spotlight. That is what they live for.... Applause, rave reviews, cameras, and flavor of the week. She is two faced like so many on the left....apologizes, then plays the victim. She's been schooled rather well.
Please raise your hand if you think your opinion is always wrong. Lol.
Englebert would love to debate you on any topic, but a debate has at least two sides. Since you and Big Girl are keen on one liners, it makes it rather difficult ; not to mention the fact that you simply jab and run.
Why do you hold O'Reily to a higher standard than your boy Bill ? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Hillary and Bill like the underaged crowd, but O'Reily is a pos. Lmao. You have no moral compass.
States voting republican has nothing to do with individual counties that are probably Democrat. See how that requires no proof but is probably true anyway?
Thanks REB. It was Bernie that he voted for. Either way, it wasn't a pub.
Now they teach it in college....
New York public college offering course called 'Abolition of Whiteness' [Hidden Content]
And the Portland murderer voted for Hillary. Go figure.
Don't care about the muslim women.
Oh no, the N word. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if that was done by a Dim just to stir the pot. A racially divided country leans towards the Dims/libs/socialists/communists.
Ah, there is that operative word....accused. Remember the tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch? Isn't that all I need to say? Hard to have a full investigation when the AG and the FBI head are on the payroll. Then, waking up dead has a hampering effect. But you will never admit to that. You are not after the truth. You are just in lock step at any cost.