The thread title is JFK files to be released Tuesday and all y’all could do is doubt it. Well, Trump released them and all you can do is make fun of Reagan instead of having your humble pie. Typical liberals.
Ask Rob Reiner, better known as meathead. Lol
I think it was someone on the grassy knoll but it’s hard to thumb through millions of pages. Maybe I’ll find it.
I found an interesting video of a man claiming he killed Kennedy. Want to see it? It’s uncanny knowing what he knows and the way he tells it.
Look at her run. Why do they all run? What does she have to hide. I can pull up a video of her saying there were those in government who were stealing miney and it needed to stop (in general). What a two face…
Anyone see Mark Kelly saying Biden didn’t abandon them? He said they always had a ride home. If this is true, why were the astronauts so ecstatic knowing they were finally coming home? An 8 day mission turned into 9 months. I don’t believe Kelly.
And your point? I vividly remember calling you a fence rider and having no conviction, which is still true. I don’t get it.
Frothing is what you do when you find something negative about Trump just before starting a new thread. Never saw an anti-Biden thread of yours so quit lying.
I’ve got everything paid for from all the sweat I’ve poured out. Sold my farm and my tractor and have money in the bank. I’m just living off of you and big girl. Thanks.
Funny how you never said anything bad about Biden and he was terrible. I venture to say nothing satisfies you. You’ll always find something to gripe about, but that’s what trolls do. Lmao
You were never taught respect for your elders. When you retire, how will you survive? Independently wealthy I assume and live off of yourself. What a liar.
oh yeah. I forgot…a middle of the road guy. How safe for you. Whatever you think pal. President Musk….that’s a good one. If it makes your heart flutter. Why are you so impatient with their release. We’ve been waiting for over 60 years. Lmfao
I’ve been ignoring you for a while now, but I can’t let this go any more. I am sick of your racist BS. You want a company to be black from the owner to the janitor. No white people?