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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Sure you do. It just sounds good to say it.
  2. Excellent. If only he could speak at Berkley.
  3. baddog


    Going to eat at The Longhorn tomorrow. Gotta save those Californians from themselves. I really can't believe what I just read. Jerry Brown is an imbecile.
  4. baddog


    I think global warming is man-made due to the conversion of red meat eaters into vegans. Too many cows out there and me and Reb can't consume them fast enough. Their flatulence is releasing too much methane gas into the atmosphere, creating a blanket which insulates and holds the heat closer than normal. So yes, global warming is man-made. Lmao.
  5. Political correctness keeps them from doing anything until they strike. Isn't that convenient? Muslims are playing the pc game and winning.
  6. Just the muslim loving ones and those who didn't follow through on their promise to leave if Hillary lost. SHE L-O-S-T.....PAY UP? You know, the ones like Kutcher who is against building a wall but lives behind one. Lmao. These were law abiding muslims until they plotted to kill teenagers. Feel free to stick up for them with your bleeding heart. They probably grew up in a bad environment and stuff like that.
  7. Grab this!
  8. Forget you!
  9. Here you side with a pub. Here you are against the pubs. Was Scarboro saying what you want to hear? Lmao. You have no stance. You just spew the flavor of the day.
  10. Political correctness has allowed isis to flourish. Good for Poland. Maybe we will see a forced exodus of muslims in Europe. Send them back to their war torn countries and problems and let them solve them. We could send them Cher, Martin Sheen, Ashton Kutcher, and several other celebrities. Even though I like her voice, they can have Barbara Streisand too. Throw in Eric Holder and Chuck Schumer and you have a pat hand.
  11. I think she loves her some muslims.
  12. Ha ha. You crack me up. You care more about Trump bumping into someone than the hitman style murder of a man about to spill the goods on your precious Hillary. You should sleep well at night. Also, your ha ha answer, all you can muster to disclaim anything I just said, tells me everything I need to know.
  13. In your politically correct environment, you could be arrested for striking your kids. Do we make an exception for you? If your wife had the goods on Trump and could get him impeached with her testimony, and she was murdered the day before she was to testify, should we all just say that people get murdered everyday and it was probably a botched robbery? Yeah right, that's what you would think!
  14. That would be my sister-in-law. I love her but she misses so much of the big picture and blames everything on someone else. She has probably never heard of Venezuela.
  15. If it was a so called botched robbery, what was botched? If the planned robbery was to shoot the guy in the back and kill him for easy pickings, how much better could it have been? This was not a robbery or even just an everyday murder. It has all the ear markings of a HIT! Who among us is stupid enough to believe otherwise?
  16. Good comeback. Lmao
  17. Did you notice how he said Seth's death was a tragic botched robbery while totally excluding the fact that he was to testify against Hillary the very next day? What journalism! Also, I don't put my beliefs behind reporters who call others names while throwing in a BS here and there. A lack of vocabulary and a liberal "tolerance" agenda forces one to talk like that. Sounds to me that he is envious of Hannity's success. Success does breed contempt, or are you not aware of that? Reading junk like that is what brainwashes people. Unlike you however, I did read your article. Very underwhelming.
  18. It was an unintended slight and the only person who should have a problem with it DIDN'T.
  19. Wow, one crazy white ex-con with a neo nazi background goes crazy and kills two people and the freakin leftys post it on the board blaming it on the right. Your god Obama releases a terrorist in his final days in office, a man who killed hundreds of people, and you remain mum. You really have your priorities straight don't you?
  20. Hey Lamont, are you perfect?
  21. I go to Big Girl for a reality check. Lmao
  22. That's almost as bad as being fired.
  23. Yes. The upper 1% are hated by those who have yet to make it there.
  24. Reminds me of Heraldo Rivera and the safe.
  25. He let this POS go in his final days as president. Obama, what a putz. [Hidden Content]
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