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Everything posted by baddog

  1. He let this POS go in his final days as president. Obama, what a putz. [Hidden Content]
  2. Hey Lamont. Here is what the guy he supposedly pushed thought of it. You and your half truths. Go give someone an enema. From the article..... Markovic himself, however, shrugged off the slight. "It didn't really register. I just saw reactions about it on social networks. It is simply a harmless situation," he told reporters after the summit
  3. Does my score mean I need Play Doh?
  4. That's what I did. What does my score indicate? On several questions I could have answered..... Well, it all depends.
  5. Right 1.83 Authoritarian 4.8 What does this mean? Some of those questions were vague.
  6. I took the wrong test. 68% Republican
  7. That would be a Stradivarius! Lmao.
  8. I heard he is. Call him grab it young.
  9. Your man crush.
  10. I got your grab um.
  11. Off topic as usual.
  12. I got your grab um.
  13. If he had a magical cigar.
  14. Whatever it takes. Going back to Bill.......enter Monica.
  15. What did he say that was hot air? I have noticed one thing for sure. Dims stand for nothing. They are simply anti-everything. Such an easy way to be. It requires very little thought process.
  16. There was that word again....cowardice, when referring to Obama.
  17. Nash, just curious, is there a stat on how many people are without insurance as of right now?
  18. You need reminding?
  19. Isn't denial a long river in Africa?
  20. Did you see all the rag heads in Obama's entourage?
  21. They broke a "story" before the facts were all in. Kinda like the Russian collusion from the left. I hear no one retracting that story. This will all come out in due time. Patience.
  22. How can resigning cover his arse?
  23. Talk about all in the family. Let me do some liberal math. Since terrorists make up 1% of the muslim community (I made that up for demonstration purposes) just the foot of one of them should have terrorist tendencies. Bad joke I know, but this whole family is ate up with the hate. I believe infreedom of religion, but when your religion preaches that you should kill me becaus I am Christian, well forget that. You can practice that over in your scorpion territory.
  24. She's back! Man, I could watch her all day. Just might. [Hidden Content]
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