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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Proof is in the pudding.
  2. That's what I hate about government healthcare. They always take from the deserving and give to the undeserving.
  3. Who do you think all this healthcare is for....the rich folks? My mom is 94 and needs every penny. She has to pay supplemental insurance to cover out of pocket costs. I think that is a sin. No one on Earth is more deserving than my mother. Salt of the Earth and will still take a switch to me if I get out of line.
  4. Obama didn't even care about you. What did he do for you? NOTHING! I couldn't care less about government healthcare except for the retirees and truly needy. The rest need to put on their big boy pants and get a job other than McDonald's.
  5. Tell that professor to come after this white guy. That could be interesting. He tough on paper. Forget him.
  6. Dems acknowledge anti-Trump message falling short after Georgia loss [Hidden Content]
  7. They are sold out and not making any more. Already checked.
  8. Yea, but they vote. Obviously you haven't seen some of videos I have seen. Please don't curse me.
  9. I don't think of it as racist when white people are crying in the same towel. No matter their color, millennials scream white privilege all the time. It gets old after a while. That is our future?
  10. Ah, but the far left is communist and wants the government to control everything in our daily lives, even to the point of telling us what foods we can eat. Oops, we're already there. There are some older liberals that maybe I could sit and have a beer with, discussing how to rule the world, but the millennials are a whole nother animal. There is no discussion. It's their way or the highway. And if you refuse, they will go up side your head. That's not even civilized. I don't think I am better than everyone else, but I am not going to listen how everything that is wrong with the country is because of white privilege. I wonder, is there yellow privilege in China?
  11. Like Fee Dee, I am not a bad person. I believe in God, family, country, free enterprise, self protection (guns). This is the greatest country in the world, even with all our problems, and it got that way with capitalism. Anyone wanting to change that to socialism/communism is totally against me. Too many people have died fighting communism so that I may enjoy the free lifestyle of being an American.That's as simple as I can put that. Like Nash said, the compassionate left is a smoke screen. Check out Berkley. Your picture is backwards.
  12. They remind me of guys looking for their glasses that are on top of their head. Surely something would have turned up by now. What kind of investigators do we have anyway? Actually, this is better. Dems hot on the trail.....
  13. Oh yeah. Can't pronounce Bar Harbor the Texas way (guy in Vermont told me this) it is pronounced "Bah Hahbah". Also, lobster is pronounced "lobstah". Oops, did I offend? Oh yeah, I don't care.
  14. But they were bused in, and around.
  15. I have eaten lobster roll in Bar Harbor, Maine and it was delicious. I would have to be very hungry to eat this one. [Hidden Content]
  16. About this Russian collusion issue...... Just what is it that they are looking for? Is it a phone call, a meeting on a tarmac, emails (we know how they will screw that one up), gifts of uranium? If they don't know what they are looking for, where do they begin?
  17. I think that might possibly be very close. Ha ha. She does like the women. Just "Butchy" enough. I would think her to be the dominant one, not the submissive.
  18. Here they are at the Grammys singing Rock or Bust, then Highway to Hell. They can tear it up live.....
  19. Well now, isn't she a peach? [Hidden Content]
  20. Said it could affect the Redskins....I know it was about a musical group called the Slants.
  21. When I think of how old the Redskins are, and just till now it has become a problem, I call that petty.
  22. Yes, some are.
  23. That's not what he said. You call your women HOs and baby mama. It gets much worse. Rap music is full of that crap. Shows what you really think of women.
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