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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Jab and run. That's all he has. He wants real ammo, but he shoots Nerf balls. Some of these sites he accesses, I'm afraid to click on. I'll ask this again.... What did Obama do for black people?
  2. In Virginia..... [Hidden Content]
  3. Dude, give it up. Do you really call what you do debating? You are as Big Girl.
  4. If you weren't the victim of rectal/cranial inversion, you could possibly debate instead of your typical name calling and first grade na na na na na na attitude. Your boy Obama is the biggest racist to hold public office, especially POTUS.
  5. I sure did. Also watched the Green Hornet with Bruce Lee as Kato. RIP Batman.
  6. Not many men had more wisdom than Churchill. Tobie says Trump disrespects women, yet he loves him some muslims. No stance or backbone.
  7. Totally agree. I'll read something that makes sense. This was written by a first grader, which is right up Tobie's alley. Tobie was probably more interested in taking part in the condemning of Trump for repealing Obamacare poll.
  8. Stay on topic.
  9. I'm going on Amazon. Com right now and see if I can get me one of those. Helicopter sold separately?
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Since you think Hillary would have made a better president, this was the type people she associated with. Since Lynch pleaded the 5th, don't you question her integrity or innocence, or does she get a pass like your boy? Someone is going to question her arse. Lynch should testify in wake of Comey claims, Graham says [Hidden Content]
  12. How about coming up with some factual article instead of the obviously biased sites where you live. When is Tobie going to offer an opinion other than his grab um cliche.
  13. What a lame answer, but what else did I expect. Actually wasn't in the form of a question, but when you think the president is the answer for all ills, give Obama a pass on everything, then you know you are talking to a bigot.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Watch the video and tell me any falsehoods. Just a few minutes of your time is all I ask.
  16. Didn't notice the other thread.....DELETE this please.
  17. 19 views of this thread. Some have to be leftys. Funny, no comments trying to shoot holes in what Newt has to say. You're right Reb, Newt has a way of explaining things that anyone should have no problem understanding. Can I get a lefty comment on the video?
  18. Totally agree. It is the "Me" attitude due to no conscience. When my kids were very young, I swatted them high up on the back of the thigh to get their attention. (Yeah, arrest me). When they figured out I wasn't "bluffing", then they had their mind straight. Soon I could resolve things by asking if they thought what they did was right (conscience). They would answer no, and then I would tell them to go apologize to their mother for being bad. Unbelievable how that works. It builds character and teaches a kid to think before they act. It's not foolproof, but it does work. I have gotten multiple compliments on how well my kids behave. Not trying to act like my way is the only way, but without conscience, discipline has a temporary effect. I truly believe this is what is wrong with our country. We are witnessing the unspanked generation. No one has respect for authority, their elders, or has the fear of God in them anymore. Without direction in our lives, chaos is in the foreseeable future. Liberal agendas has brought this upon us.Thanks, had to get that in there. Back on topic, I voted "against" Hillary.
  19. Sorry, just saw this thread. I started my own if a mod would be so kind as to remove.
  20. My God people. Wake up. Rallies against Islamic law draw counter-protests across US [Hidden Content]
  21. Lmao. You really need to Youtube George Carlin's "Stupid People". Watch out for "F" bombs.
  22. My wife won't sit and discuss politics. She's a bury her head in the sand type. She says that these are our leaders, let them take care of it. I tell her there's a lot more to it than that. Then she clams up. Can't discuss politics at work except with a few people. Some aren't sure what day it is. Remind me of Pelosi. So, here I am.
  23. Oops, wrong link.... Try this one... 'THIS IS WAR' Fla. sheriff urges citizens to get armed in case of attack [Hidden Content]
  24. Then you have guys like this.
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