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Everything posted by baddog

  1. King, I was posting when you were. Lol
  2. Astros lose the first game of the double-header 11-6. Nightcap.....Astros win 6 runs in the 1st. inning with aSpringer,Reddick,and Bregman HR. Bregman's was a Grand Slam!
  3. I forget my terminology at times.
  4. Yanks take the lead with two HRs off of Fiers in the bottom of the 4th......4-3.
  5. I would think most throws that a 1st. baseman has to make plays on are scoops. He would definitely have more range left, right, and overhead. Being so much taller, would it be a hindrance to be 6'7" and play a scoop in front of you? I don't know. Just playing devil's advocate. Astros have shown they are not afraid of NYY pitching. They knocked their 100 mph pitcher out of the box with Bregman tagging the first pitch for a hit to left. The makeup game is on now with the Stros up 3-1 in the bottom of the 4th. Not on tv.
  6. Trump is not a republican.
  7. No. If Trump was able to defeat the anti-Christ, he would have beaten McCain also. McCain has been a huge disappointment for me. He does seem to be a left leaner.
  8. Socialism, Liberalism = COMMUNISM. Said it all along. There is no difference. People try to separate it into different labels and it all comes back to Communism. Hey leftys. What say you about your boy Obama? Are you communists? No one will answer.......
  9. Obama is a POS. Anyone who thought he was doing the world a favor by dealing with the biggest terrorist nation in the world is a blind fool.
  10. Those are fields of major?
  11. Unidentified projectile.... [Hidden Content]
  12. What's funny?
  13. Well, you leftys like to listen to your entertainment crowd for someone to follow, listen to Bill Maher. I don't care for the guy myself, but here is what he has to say about the firing. Gee, I wish the conservatives had questioned this meeting.....DUH! [Hidden Content]
  14. I was careful with my wording.
  15. I did something a lot on here can't even imagine. In fourth grade we had drills like fire drills except that we went into the school halls and sat Indian style, put our hands behind our heads and leaned forward....living in fear of a nuclear attack from the Russians through Cuba. No way you could fathom the effects that has on a 10 year old. Even during the drills we thought we were all going to die. Thank God for the best Democratic president I ever lived under. He had kajones and never backed down. Probably why he was killed, but that's just me. More than likely a mafia hit because of the ear markings but that's another story for another time. I am willing to debate you on any topic. You may have a slight edge for medical terms but that would be where it ends. Sick of hearing about superior intelligence from people who don't know what the "C" stands for in NAACP.
  16. Lyndon Baines Johnson.
  17. It was a hacking ploy to disrupt the thread topic.....much like your buddy tobie. Of course you must possess a certain level of intelligence to grasp humor.
  18. Good answer tobie. You didn't disappoint. Nothing as usual. My position still stands. You condone the killing of whites.
  19. This is not just an A&M problem. These kooks are everywhere. White people need to stand up and say enough is enough. Start transferring kids to other schools, letting these universities know why they are leaving, this stuff will stop pretty damn quick.
  20. Since tobie likes to dwell on the past, I guess he approves of incidents such as this for retaliation purposes. Listen to what this scumbag says during his court appearance. Thanks Obama. You certainly encouraged this crap. [Hidden Content]
  21. I guess making lots of money is a white thing, but it is earned. However, if one's parents are rich, how can the kid not be? Priviledged, yes, but not the way you mean.
  22. Might see the Grim Reaper with that concoction. Lol
  23. This thread sucks.
  24. Top rated show cancelled. Anybody remember All in the Family? It was very political. [Hidden Content]
  25. I bet they would understand the business end of my .357 Magnum. Are we still distinguishing between the terrorists and peace loving Muslims, or are these your run of the mill rapists? Hello people. Wake up Lefty's. They want to legally rape your women (or men) No wonder their women wear so much clothing and cover up. Makes it more difficult to get to.
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