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Everything posted by baddog

  1. The left's answer would be to let them all come here so that you and I can feed them. It's the righteous thing to do. It doesn't matter if our country fails in the process.....but then, that is what they want.
  2. No you won't. You got some bacon salted down somewhere. Lol About Reagan's article, it can be summed up in four words....."The teet ran dry"
  3. Hey Lamont, look at this^^^^^^. What do you have to cry about now? Lmao
  4. A self righteous Christian, such as yourself, could shirk racism and overcome it, not yell it from the mountain tops. We all experience racism every time you post. Too bad your pastor's sermon couldn't help you with this.
  5. She has trouble with her "Ns" and "Cs"
  6. That's why you are Lamont.
  7. Did you read Mack's post? Way to go Lamont......name fits you to a tee.
  8. I'll start calling you Lamont. Sorry your husband suffered a heart attack but what happened to the coverage he should have already had. Never heard of a RN losing their job.
  9. If someone you love died because of inadequate healthcare, you are to blame for taking healthcare designed for the needy when you could afford your own. You should be proud. It's the greedy people like you who think they are entitled to use the programs that make them fail. Then all you can muster is to point the finger at Republicans or whites in general. It's never your fault, but this time it is. Your greed caused a death.
  10. Yet you support the Hollywood celebrities and their "casting couches". You have no stance. You simply spew the flavor of the day. Simple.
  11. See, I waited and was presented the facts. Difference between you and me is that I can accept these facts. I won't make excuses for a white criminal. Feel bad about the young man.
  12. Dumb is not a name, it is an affliction.
  13. Everything is not about you. It's about right and wrong. Next time I saw those basketball players, they all had perms and wearing long sleeved shirts. But it's ok to say the president performed fellatio on Putin, especially in a queer state, but on national TV. Much bigger audience than radio talk. Of course you would let your daughters watch this pervert?
  14. Good thing Colbert didn't say nappy hair or tats. He would have lost his job.
  15. You take the side of Soros? Don't ever quote me again.
  16. Are you really this dumb?
  17. What's a MF? No grasp at all. Did you see it?
  18. How many desks has Colbert been under to get where he is? The entertainment business is full of queers. Colbert and Fallon look a bit feminine to me.
  19. BS. Stop with the con game.
  20. Did you see his woody video? He's a real pip.
  21. .....and this separates him from the rest of the past presidents in what manner?
  22. Exactly, so when was Trump assaulted or charged? NEVER.
  23. Where are these women? Someone inappropriately grab my wife, she will put marks on him herself, then he will be arrested pronto.
  24. AHCA cuts $1 trillion in ObamaCare taxes [Hidden Content]
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