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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Wow, they should be proud. Is this the same party that wants to raise taxes, which in California are already unbelievable? Can't really say much about Trump's potty mouth after seeing that. Hypocrites.
  2. Neither one of you have voiced your concerns over your DEMOCRATIC boy throwing out RACIAL SLURS!!!! Let a republican do that and you and Tobie would have a field day....recalling all the bad things white people did 150+ years ago. WTF dudes? Gotta shut your trap on this because it is one of your own? Now you are going to say you are not Democrats. YOU HAVE NO STANCE!!!! YOU PICK ALL YOUR BATTLES CAREFULLY!!! DEMOCRATS CAN CALL YOU THE "N" WORD. WOW!! Who is bending over now?
  3. This is great news and I hope it happens, but I don't believe in projecting military plans. They should just do it and then tell me how it went. I want no prisoners because someone like Obama would come along and release them.
  4. Yes, and I can see the forest. The Russian collusion story is a dead horse. If there was really something there, it would have surfaced by now. What are we waiting on? Comey is a two faced liar. All we are doing is questioning procedural crap to keep it in the news. It is very tiresome to keep reading and our concentration should be on other topics. Comey backed off Hillary because of the tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch. Comey backed off Russian collusion because Trump told him to and then was fired for being an inept fool. Can we agree there is no difference in the two situations?
  5. Again, you got nothing and you are the one who praised Clinton for what he did for blacks. I asked what he did and you say what has Trump done. Very laughable.
  6. Whatever happened to giving someone the benefit of the doubt? Are we really condemning a man for calling someone a nut job? We have truly become very shallow.
  7. I was sure Tobie would start this thread. He was all over O'Reilly. Wonder why he hasn't commented on this Fox news employee?
  8. You cant even tell me what Obama did for blacks. Ok, tell me what Clinton did for blacks.
  9. PMSNBC.....Lmao.
  10. Back on topic. Trump made a good sale to the Saudis. We are the number one seller of arms in the world. We have the best, plain and simple.
  11. Pure locker room talk. You never knew anyone who lied about his sexual prowess? Dude, I know a few. Just for you. Here's your boy.....
  12. Start a thread dude. You will not believe what I can come up with to hack it. Go ahead. Start one. You will get sick of it, I promise.
  13. It's too....and they helped the Saudi King up afterwards.
  14. To the Saudi King like Obama did. He shook his hand like a man, not a coward. To all the people who think Trump hates Muslims, aren't the Saudis Muslim? Lmao. For me, I trust none of those dogs, especially the Saudis. This is one of those things where you have a common enemy. We can take some of that $110 billion and increase our military might. On a side note, whatever happened to Reagan's star wars program?
  15. Where are these women? Obama is the woody man. Is this really all you got? I feel sorry for you.
  16. We had a Bible class in high school in the 60s/70s. Just some food for thought. I also think that the separation of church and state is somewhat misinterpreted. I think our forefathers ( what brilliant visionaries) wanted to make sure there was freedom of religion, but certainly not from religion. I could be wrong. The leaders we have today wouldn't make a pimple on those guy's arses.
  17. Anderson Cooper is a queer so that's where his mind goes. His mom is Gloria Vanderbilt so he's a silver spoon too.
  18. You absolutely don't understand politics. Trump is NOT a republican. That was still a terrible comparison.
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Terrible comparison by you. Not even close to what was meant by Trump's remark.
  21. I don't have to label everyone. I trust people until they give me reason not to. I can listen to someone and tell if they are genuine. This is not too say I can't be fooled because anyone can. Tell me this....... Who the heck likes anyone that does not speak and feel their agenda? Clarke takes no prisoners and is not pc. I like that in anyone regardless of skin color. He speaks discipline, something that has been lost on the past two generations. This had created your Berkeley crowd and your gang bangers. Absolutely no discipline and they respect no one.
  22. I'm well aware of my terminology. Since Clarke doesn't seem to mind taking shots at some of the black leaders and calling them names, I thought that maybe he doesn't like black people. That could make him seem RACIST. It seems to me that black people would rather have a leader like Clarke than the likes of Al Sharpton, who likes strippers and attempted murderers, going so far as funding her college, and without so much as an apology for helping to ruin the lives of 4 young white men she had arrested for rape. Only the shadow of a man who wouldn't apologize for that. Hey, but that's what you follow.
  23. Is Sheriff Clarke a racist?
  24. baddog


    Where is the left input on this? You know, the one's who have disrespecting women at the top of their list.
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