Everyone keeps downing Trump for failed attempts at replacing Obamacare. What would you rather have..... People who will not put a plan in place because it isn't quite right or have one bullrushed through in the middle of the night that becomes the white elephant?
You know, the one you can lie about your income and get coverage even though you can afford your own insurance.
Yep, the stars flew jets, the rest of the crowd drove cars, rode bicycles, or possibly walked. ALL OF THEM USED PRODUCTS MADE BY/FROM FOSSIL FUELS in some way, shape, or form. Then, these environmentalists leave their trash behind. All these people are merely looking for something to do and to see who can come up with the cleverest little slogan.
Bluffing. He is the only one not bluffing. I am sure you are the only one who knows the capabilities of Un. We are well aware of the population of Seoul and what could happen should conflict break out. It has been that way for years, but blame Trump if you must. Who really cares what you think. It won't change a thing.
Under Obama's reign, SOS Clinton claimed it was just sabre rattling to be ignored. NOW you see the danger? Typical liberal. Wait until the dam breaks before attempting to fix it.
I saw this guy today without pads. He is more of the lean, mean, fighting maching type. Dallas is really high on him. 1st round draft pick better pan out.
Absolutely the most untrue statement I've ever read. The THREAT of nuclear war all hinges on Un. It was there long before Trump. What the heck makes people make such statements?