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Everything posted by baddog

  1. You are so confused you are not with arguing with.....And it IS SNL. That's the same guy who did the Micheal Vick Miami airport bust.
  2. Do you remember Obama telling Trump to take it easy on executive orders during their transition meeting? Of course not. Obama wrote plenty on his own. I don't hold Trump accountable for everything he said while campaigning, especially the shots he took at the Obama administration or Hillary. It got him elected. What he is doing now is phenomenal. You simply won't acknowledge it, and when you pay less in taxes, you won't congratulate Trump. You will find something else to cry about.
  3. Wow, SNL. You are way too deep for me. What next, Comedy Central? You need to watch George Carlin's take on politicians. Watch out for "F" bombs. Easy to find on YouTube.
  4. Total male bovine feces (thanks Reb). Stop with the false posts. The tax cuts are AIMED directly at the middle class.
  5. Here is some possible funding..... [Hidden Content]
  6. If you are online, you had better assume that you already have no privacy and act accordingly. Every mouse click and keystroke is tracked, logged and potentially analyzed and eventually used by Web site product managers, marketers, hackers and others. To use most services, users have to opt-in to lengthy terms and conditions that allow their data to be crunched by all sorts of actors. The list of tracking devices is set to boom, as sensors are added to appliances, lights, locks, HVAC systems and even trash cans. Other innovations: Using Wi-Fi signals, for instance, to track movements, from where you're driving or walking down to your heartbeat. Retailers will use the technology to track in minute detail how folks walk around a store and reach for products. Also, facial-recognition software that can change display advertising to personalize it to you (time for a mask?). Transcription software will be so good that many businesses will soon collect mountains of phone-conversation data to mine and analyze. And think of this: Most of us already carry around an always-on tracking device for which we usually pay good money — a smart phone. Your phone is loaded up with sensors and GPS data. Is it linked to a FitBit perhaps? Now it has your health data. One reason not to fret: Encryption methods are getting better at walling off at least some aspects of our digital lives. But living the reclusive life of J.D. Salinger might soon become real fiction. SEE ALSO:
  7. You're such a word mincer. Go back to my original post where I said "IF Trump uses El Chapo's money" Geez Louise. Again, no answer to Hussein Obama lying about national security prisoners.
  8. Name calling? You got your video. What about the Liar-in-Chief?
  9. Losing what? I asked a question to which I never get an answer. Is it an affliction?
  10. Here cricket boy..... [Hidden Content] Now pony up about your lying boy Hussein.
  11. Still no reply to the Hussein Obama article. He lied about national security prisoners.
  12. Serious question....would this female dog be allowed to speak at Berkley? Why should she speak anywhere about sharia law, which isis forces on people after they slaughter the men and Christians?
  13. Skinheads are a violent group that do not represent conservatives. I will denounce them. I haven't heard any liberals denounce the actions of the students at Berkley, or any of the many other violent protests by the left. See the huge difference?
  14. That's your only defense? So you side with these punks.
  15. Still nothing said about the Hussein Obama article lying about prisoner exchange. Didn't you see my LMAO?
  16. Everyone knows there were safety concerns. She was willing to go anyway because it ismher legal RIGHT. Knuckleheads is a pretty tame term for the violent protesters for the libs. Wait for the lawsuits.
  17. How about your LIAR HUSSEIN? Never ever a single point made about the article. Typical.... If Trump uses El Chapo's drug money to fund the wall, in a round about way, Mexico is paying for it. Lmao.
  18. What if you were banned from this board just because you are a liberal? Be honest.
  19. Obamaneverwasyourpresident. What a liar. Thought you hated LIARS. [Hidden Content]
  20. When were you off board? If personal attacks is all you got, you must be a liberal. You damn sure can't debate.
  21. Only because he is white.
  22. Dropping from 35% to 15% is huge for businesses. Businesses will come back to the U.S., be able to expand, and create more jobs. What could anyone see that is wrong with that? It also helps the small businessman.
  23. I guess the TRAITORS at UC Berkley won this round. [Hidden Content]
  24. Do you really want to go after all traitors by definition? As of November 8th, all on the left are considered TRAITORS! The federal judges who blocked Trump's immigration orders and protected the sanctuary cities (California, Maryland, and Hawaii) are TRAITORS! If you, Tobie, Nappy, and Big Girl are going to be a constant reminder of the slave days, then what did wrecking a statue actually to heal anything? Answer.....NOTHING! Since I am still going to be constantly reminded of the slave days, I personally would rather have a statue. It wasn't a crybaby.
  25. Traitors? Please offer your definition of traitor. This should be good.
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