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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Don't step into my hood.
  2. Killed a hog yesterday.
  3. Doesn't Ivanka have a meeting this afternoon?
  4. I think Obama played too much golf.
  5. Talk about the video or don't post. Quit having thread. Oh yeah, and your post is BS!
  6. From newspaper where she worked... [Hidden Content]
  7. Now we have a problem as to exactly what moment in time that Trump decided to fire Comey. You people. Smh
  8. Another deflection. What say you about Schumer not being able to produce PROOF? Maybe some crocodile tears could convince some people, but that's not proof.
  9. What do you have to say about Schumer? You never follow topic, always deflecting.
  10. Trump says he wants Russia investigation 'done properly,' was going to fire Comey 'regardless of recommendation' [Hidden Content]
  11. Correa with a two run blast in the first.
  12. Look, he's got his pants pulled down like the queers in prison. That's where that style comes from. Think about that for a minute.
  13. Thank God. I thought you lost it.
  14. Lmao.
  15. So you take the side of a criminal who stole from kids. You are really something. Absolutely no character or moral compass.
  16. I thought it was funny and true. You just don't like Trump because he is white.
  17. The same ones who would follow this crap are the same ones who are against the death penalty. Pieces of crap, all of them.
  18. Sure am glad all them honest dims are keeping an eye on Trump and his taxes. Lmao.
  19. She's a product of a bad environment. Didn't she work for BISD? She looks familiar.
  20. She stole from scholarship money meant for poor kids. What a putz.
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. Hillary behind bars would be a good thing. As for Flynn and the Russian connection...... Just what is it you are looking for? All this crap is a little overwhelming at times and I lose focus. What is it that everyone thinks Trump and the Russians are hiding?
  23. I warned you Hillary....... [Hidden Content]
  24. You beat me to it. Comey was the only investigator the FBI had. The rest were playing golf. Lmao Another bright idea by Lamont.
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