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Everything posted by baddog

  1. So you are saying that Soros money is NOT behind these groups?
  2. Except for the links and some people posting actual facts, everything else IS opinion on this board.
  3. baddog


    WMDs in the middle east. Imagine that. [Hidden Content]
  4. baddog

    Big Girl

    You know, the only thing separating us from the animals is our ability to reason. Use your head. Look at this article. It speaks volumes about your boy Obama and his clan, but you will not believe it. That's all. Dummy is a step up from the accuser.
  5. baddog

    Big Girl

    Thanks Nash.
  6. More good news. It could be a problem in bars, but hey, ever heard of Cut N' Shoot Texas? [Hidden Content]
  7. Hawaii being nuked would be Trump's fault, according to the left. Obama did nothing about Korea and Clinton called it sabre rattling. Nukes with the potential to reach U.S. mainland and a murderer crazy enough to launch them is no joking matter at all.
  8. Should I have posted this under "Who's Winning?"
  9. Is this what you are about? Is this something you are behind? [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Of course, but it doesn't always mean change for the better for your side. In fact, I expect it to get worse for the Dems.
  12. Watch out, that's tax deductible. Good for him and the National Parks.
  13. Not the expensive kind......lmao
  14. When are you going to wake up,and realize that all this news is NOT FAKE!? [Hidden Content]
  15. Funny how all they can do is try to catch a politician in a lie. Imagine that. No issues are ever discussed at any length. All the left says is that we are all idiots because they know nothing else to say. Debate is not their strong suit. Name calling, now that's primo.
  16. Not when you are in lock step. What did Clinton or Obama do for black people, since that's what you always complain about.....pubs and racism. What did your non-racist leaders do for you? Please don't even mention the fubar known as Obamacare.
  17. People really follow that??
  18. Probably is not proof. You probably lied to get Obamacare but that's not proof.
  19. BG learned another coverall expression.....fake news. What a joke. Did Charles Manson actually kill anyone? What a Dufus.
  20. Another inane response. The list keeps getting longer.
  21. Hope for NY yet..... [Hidden Content]
  22. Did I miss something? I read it as a bill to ban Sharia Dems didn't like it because it is repugnant and offends muslims. I tried to agree with repugnant but disagree with it being offensive because I don't care if I offend a muslim for being against Sharia. Let me know where I went astray.
  23. I have thought about this and I don't believe they need a law that says you can't follow Sharia law. Since Sharia law conflicts with so many of our laws already on the books, it probably is nit needed. However, if it passes, it would be good insurance down the line. I don't like the Dem's excuse saying it offends muslims because I don't care who I offend if it comes down to passing a law to stop what they are doing.
  24. The Dems Lost......Lmao [Hidden Content]
  25. Nobody, and I mean nobody gave any consideration to pulling the rug out from under me and my healthcare coverage. Why should I give a damn about the people who helped it happen? No one cared if I suffered or that my insurance went in the toilet just so RNs could lie and get Obamacare for a price. Why should a RN be eligible for Obamacare? System abuse is rampant and at the cost of American workers.
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