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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Really don't know, don't care. That's how important this is. You said you were going to keep posting crap about Trump. Congratulations.....mission accomplished.
  2. Yep, if I were president, the first thing every morning I would make sure the WH log sheet is revealed. What could possibly be more important?
  3. I like Donald Trump. Didn't know for sure if he was the right choice early in the campaign, but any president who signs away government regulations will get my vote again. I truly don't see the left's problem with less government intervention. Many regulations are so absurd I can't believe someone thought them up. Then again, we are talking about the left.
  4. I love my AR-15. Gonna name it Punk Eliminator now. He got 3 in a matter of seconds. Wish there was video. There is for everything else.
  5. You are a LIAR. Ted Nugent is all about second amendment rights. He never threatened Obama in any way, shape, or form. What did Duke do to Obama? Now you can run and hide.
  6. Nappy, start your own racist thread. Now, do you follow crocodile tears Schumer?
  7. I wonder if they logged in the clock maker kid? Better yet, was he frisked? See the irony? Stole that from Mack.
  8. Follow the topic or start your own thread. Tired of thread hackers.
  9. Haven't watched CBS since a few weeks after Dan Rather took the helm.
  10. Lmao.
  11. The first article had the shooter as a 19 year old. Now he is listed as 23. Does that mean they were LYING or simply a mistake that we all make from time to time? [Hidden Content]
  12. Good for Fox News, but we all know that it only takes one uh-oh to cancel out all of those attaboys. I used to watch CNN. I liked Robin Meade, but I don't watch anymore.
  13. I would be embarrassed. How childish. Whatever happened to disorderly conduct?
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Wrong! I saw the story. She said Trump is still HER president but she was wondering what to do. Man, don't lie.
  16. Countries actually turning away refugees. [Hidden Content]
  17. What a great story. I love when bad guys lose. [Hidden Content]
  18. Did you notice the cameras? Makes me proud to be an American. Why be masked? Saw a man in Lowes with a MAGA shirt on. He passed me and I said nice shirt. He said thanks and went about his business. Something is very wrong with a country that would attack that man just for a shirt. It's not about right or wrong, it's about control.
  19. The whole point of this thread was to show how Kennedy had a straight line to Kruschev without any tapping or leaked info. His covert conversations were acceptable. Trump and some of his aides have conversations with the Russians and they should all be castrated and exiled. Hillary receives $millions from the Russians for clandestine operations and she is hailed as a saviour. Now, the Russians are buddies with Iran. We need to have an understanding with our enemies. What was so wrong with Flynn and Sessions...or Tillerson for that matter?
  20. The dems are so dumb, they cried foul on the Russians for supposed hacking with no proof, but while Obama was in office, he was Putin's punk. All these things went unnoticed? Obama hates Israel and this is where it has led us. We should hope Trump has good ties with Russia. What a mess. [Hidden Content]
  21. I'm so sick of this crap. What a BS post. Not even worth the read. What did Obamacare do for anyone? Explain who it will hurt if it goes away? You are a troll, nothing more.
  22. Oh well, excuse the shat out of me. That makes it ok. I have no agenda except to the true Americans.
  23. 9 stockholders from a Canadian company and a deal with the Russians for $145 million. You like to split hairs because that's all you got.....casting doubt. Read this. [Hidden Content]
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