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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Of course Trump’s prosecution is political, but if paying hush money is illegal, then there is no difference. I’d say it’s more like ham sandwich/turkey sandwich.
  2. I voted for Trump twice.
  3. Just trying to list famous people who paid hush money. His could have led to criminal charges.
  4. Is paying off a porn star illegal? Is paying off Monica Lewinsky illegal? Was it illegal for Michael Jackson to pay off the families of little boys he slept with? Please explain the difference.
  5. This woman is a real winner in my book. She can’t get out of her own way. This opinionated sub human is what msm is all about. Gets made a fool and still argues.
  6. Your analogies are always dumb at best, but we’re used to that. Everyone tries to get out of paying if possible. I do it so that maybe they can up yours.
  7. That would be sweet. I don’t think anyone with kids who have graduated should pay school taxes. That’s just me. I’m a baby boomer and have paid dearly all my life and should get a break in my latter years. Why shouldn’t money be directed to people who have helped make the system work? Misuse of funds is why everything struggles.
  8. Lmao!!!!
  9. All part of the big plan. Need to find out who is furnishing the nice sign and shirts. I’d advertise them on the Internet. That could get interesting.
  10. Duh. All the states supported Abbott’s handling of the border, against the THREATS of your commie boy Biden. What other answer do you want? People ask you questions and you disappear. I guess you will repeat your evasive answer.
  11. I love Texas and its policies. Anyone who doesn’t should leave. I suggest I-10 but that’s just me. I love any state that follows Texas’ lead or vice versa.
  12. Hello, that was my answer. You two-faced libs hate war, unless it is exacted on its own people. What a beautiful person you must really be.
  13. Conscientious objectors?
  14. Whichever way this goes is up to the courts. If he wins…. Fine. If he loses…fine. I live on Hillebrandt Road and it’s in a low spot. If a bad enough storm comes to SETex, they close the levee gate on Hwy 365 and flood the few to save the masses. It’s setup that way so we have to live with it. That’s government control of flood waters so his gripe falls on my deaf ears. Like I said, either way is fine with me, but I just don’t see it. As to whether he would have flooded anyway, I say yes with Harvey. It might have drained more quickly, however.
  15. 13,000,000 trespassers…..”Book ‘em Dano”. Hey, we could all sit around and sing “Kumbaya”. If 13,000,000 illegals doesn’t constitute an invasion, what is the other name…..a road trip?
  16. That’s because Biden couldn’t answer them either. These kids graduated high school? In my day they would have been held back maybe more than once. 3 cubed is geometry……pitiful.
  17. These folks should have to pay triple. How did they pass any entrance exams? The dumbing down of America in full swing.
  18. Just testing my memory banks. They fail me sometimes. I know they had problems with Harvey and Imelda. Let’s face it though, Harvey flooded people who had never been flooded before. He broke the flood plane maps. Not sure how blame can be laid.
  19. and I thought it was the concrete dividers used for construction lanes that caused the water to be dammed. I guess I missed something.
  20. That’s a president? How embarrassing.
  21. I may be wrong, but I think it was 2 F16s.
  22. The only place they will be able to vote, Biden already will win….NY, Illinois, California. It comes down to the swing states, hence the stoppage of counting votes. Funny how that simple fact doesn’t throw up a red flag for the haters. Ring, meet nose.
  23. Reached back and pulled this thread up again. I think Phatmack posted this a while back but it deserves posting again. If you have a weak stomach, maybe you shouldn’t listen to this. Pro-Choice women should have to watch this.
  24. Did it years ago at night, flying under the radar, and returning before Iran knew what hit them.
  25. Astros take another game from the Rangers. Rangers made it interesting in the 9th, but the Astros only needed the 1 out.
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