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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Caitlin Clark….. what an athlete. Glad she played while I was alive. I’ve gotten past the NA thing. Just don’t kneel in protest.
  2. True, RFK Jr., but he will take votes away from Biden. It still comes down to Biden/Trump. I’ll take the bulldog over the trans loving wuss.
  3. When there are only two choices, we have to do what is best for the country. Simple as that.
  4. The wussiest thing any MAN can do is embrace and celebrate men with penises pretending to be women in place of and never mentioning Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection to save us from our sins…. Even yours. I guess us racist homophobes (I like the way you label anyone who doesn’t think like you) are resisting perversion. Like I said….. they have June. As for blaming Biden….. nothing he does is of his own making. He is spoon fed everything he utters, and if he goes off script, he is ushered off the platform because he is an imbecile. Keep singing his praises.
  5. When you got nothing, this is a typical response. Klinger was a cross dresser and doing it so he could get out of the army. Now the military encourages such behavior to continue the wussification of America.
  6. I got nothing backwards. Easter is a season, genius. It could have been celebrated during another time…. Like June! The Easter season is the second-longest liturgical season. Only ordinary time is longer. The Church celebrates the Easter season (also known as “Eastertide”) for 50 days, culminating with the feast of Pentecost, where Scripture (Acts 2:1–31) tells us that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.
  7. Hey Miss know-it-all, lgbtq has the entire month of June to celebrate so why take Easter?
  8. Got a minute?
  9. Easter egg hunt and the Easter bunny had to commercialize the true meaning of Easter, just like Santa Clause did with CHRISTmas. Your diploma precedes you.
  10. What does transgender day celebrate? A man with a penis calling himself a woman or a woman wishing she had one calling herself a man? Never going to happen either way. You are what you are born. So what’s to celebrate? Men competing in women’s sports…. I say if they cut off their tally whacker then they can compete. That should just about end it right there.
  11. No mention of the crucifixion of Christ and the Resurrection…. Just the mention of men parading as women to gain access to women’s bathrooms. I can’t see calling yourself a Christian. Probably a fake one like your diploma.
  12. Sure you did. If anyone only pays the minimum (interest) on a loan, it (principle) can linger for decades……DUH! Your store bought diploma reflects limited intelligence all the time. You should be proud.
  13. Man, you never have to worry about ducking!
  14. Ppp loans @ 2:00 a. m. in the morning? What do ppp loans have to do with anything I said?
  15. Give them away for free. That’s like saying 2:00 a.m. in the morning.
  16. The could be only one good muslim and you would say this.
  17. Why would this have to be ruled on if there was no election fraud. People know it and just turn a blind eye.
  18. when you can post a video of anyone having anything good to say about Joe Biden. I know people will say this was staged, but this woman speaks without notes or a teleprompter. Biden has zero “feel good” experiences.
  19. Why would anyone question anyone about selling Bibles? Lots of shallow people in this world.
  20. Biden can’t wipe his own map.
  21. Everyone can plainly see that you are not a democrat…..who voted for the “radical” right twice. Not sure what radical right encompasses.
  22. Hiring illegals is illegal.
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