….not humorous… how the media shows all the pics of the kidnapped Israeli children being released to their parents as a humanitarian effort so that people like Big Girl can feel all warm and tingly inside for her muslim brothers, and they can’t show the pics of the children they decapitated (who wants to see that?) ? The irony of it all. People like Big Girl are so naive that they don’t realize that Hamas would decapitate her, if given the chance.
Let’s see….correct me if my math is off a tad…..Hamas has released 58 hostages while 117 Palestinians prisoners have been released. This has the earmark of a Biden swap. He’s such a pitiful leader. The deal has to be…”free the hostages or you die”. You don’t ever deal with terrorists or their demands. Of course this all goes back to Obama….the arse kissing muslim lover. He is responsible for much of this. He’s blaming Israel as we speak.