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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I'd like one date with Christina Aguilera. I'd have her throwing rocks at her husband after that. ;D I wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let's ''spend'' our way out of this recesson. My wife is doing her part. :
  2. Most snow I've seen around here since the early 60s. Oops, I keep telling my age.
  3. That's what I thought. Still don't understand. Hope it doesn't come back to haunt them.
  4. How can this happen and what's the score? Thanks Musgrove recovered his own fumble.....21-14 Muleshoe Wow, what a misread on my part. I'll leave you alone now. You're doing fine without my interfering.
  5. Thanks, I always watch the clock in the 2nd half, even in the 3rd qtr.
  6. I think Central can move the ball on Friendswood, but they must score TDs. FGs will not do it. On defense, it is paramount that Central get pressure on their QB. He is a good one indeed.
  7. Wonder why nederland hasn't played in front of such large crowds??? I think the Dayton Broncos know 63 reasons why In the 2004 playoffs, Nederland had 49 reasons by halftime. Not much of a crowd for Dayton after the 3rd qtr.....and we pulled our starters. ;D
  8. Port Neches, Texas is 6 miles N of Port Arthur, Texas (center to center) and 85 miles E of Houston, Texas. It is in Jefferson county. The city is part of the Beaumont - Port Arthur metro area. The population of Port Neches is 13,601 Groves is a city in Jefferson County, Texas, United States. The population was 15,733 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Beaumont–Port Arthur Metropolitan Statistical Area. This is if every man, woman, and child attended....you do the math. pngfan1, you are not who this is directed to. This is for Tomohawk chop.
  9. Not envious at all. PNG deserved to go that year with Long and Co. I just have to straighten some people out whose minds play tricks on them when counting an Astrodome crowd as being totally theirs. I ate some Alpo as a kid....not bad.
  10. Well for some reason they all sat on the PN-G side. Stephenville didn't hardly have any. Amazing all those "non-fans" chose to sit in nose bleed on PN-G side when they could have been on the 50, 25 rows up on Stephenville's side. Gee, I guess I should have said fans not from PNG. Do you realize how many people you are looking at, also the ones not included in the pic? PNG doesn't even have that many people. Weren't there some other games played prior to yours (Katy/Garland)? Some people make a day of it.
  11. PNG has a great fan base, I'll give you that. But that pic is from the state championship game against Stephenville. Do you realize how many non-fans will attend a state championship game?...a bunch.
  12. I have been to a home game. 3 years ago watched dayton and at halftime the great png locals were leaving like the place was on fire. At the beginnig of the game there were 7,500 fans in the stands. Dayton has NEVER played in front of a home crowd even remotely close to that. No other school in this part of the state has the season ticket base that PN-G has. You obviously have never seen a PN-G game in the Astrodome in front of over 30,000. PN-G football "historically speaking" is one of the top 10 programs in the whole state of Texas. Live right now is AWEsome as a Dayton fan, Dayton fans continue to pack the stands for their games, but they have a following of about 5,000. That is nowhere nears what PN-G would bring to the games. I'll be there Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!! As a PN-G grad... I am glad I am a teacher in Dayton... Excellent community, great kids... Life is good... THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT PN-G! PURPLE SUPPORTING PURPLE!!! Even if you couldn't beat Nederland this year, the purple and white from Dayton did an AWEsome job during their last visit to Bulldog stadium ;D Nice that you remember that game and seem to always forget the Dayton exodus from Rice stadium in 2004. We pulled our starters. Dustin Hood didn't even play the 2nd half or the score could have been the equivalent. Have a nice day.
  13. I said that I was tired of hearing about the coin flip, like PNG got screwed. Ozen won the first toss (odd man in) and it came down to Ned vs. PNG. Ned won fair and square. Like was already mentioned, Ned beat PNG that year anway.
  14. Oh, and just for the record, the major wars of the 20th century were fought and escalated by Democrats....Woodrow Wilson (WWI), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (WWII), Harry S. Truman (WWII and Korea), John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Vietnam), and Lyndon Baines Johnson (Vietnam). I could throw Clinton in there for Bosnia, but we probably wouldn't call that a war....probably just a conflict. Desert Storm goes to Bush I, a Republican. There were those who diasgreed with American involvement in all of these wars. Lets not make the Republicans look like warmongers.
  15. this is a very uneducated statement... for the following reasons... Higher Taxes : This is simply ignorance. Under Obama's Plan, if you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not go up, and most will get a tax break When pigs fly Gun Control : Never knew this was such a bad idea... I'd hate to see one of your family members get killed on the street by someone because there was no gun control Gun control does not take guns off the streets. It takes them away from honest, law abiding citizens. Pro-Abortion: No such thing.. It's called Pro-choice.. And how would you react if you had a daughter or relative who was 14 and got raped? Most abortions are not to remedy a rape victim. Most are performed on the ignorant and promiscuous. Socialism: This is a term created by Radio personalities like Rush and Hannity... Do I even need to comment on this... No comment Bigger Government: This whole financial crisis we are in right now is because there HAS NOT been a government over the past 8 years of bush's failed policies that McCain supported 90% of the time This will be a never ending argument and too easy to point the finger. Anti-Military: This goes back to the stigma of being a democrat and the ignorant belief that if you are a democrat, then you must be anti-American... Personally I am tired of seeing our young men and women my age being killed... I thought bush declared Victory in Iraq? Young men have died in previous centuries so you can voice your opinion on a message board and to keep us all from being exterminated or speaking German. Men will die in the future to protect those same freedoms. I thank them all. Gay Marriage: Gays don't bother me? Do you have some kind of complex within yourself that bothers you with gays? If you believe in God, then you must believe that you are not to judge others. God will do that. Then do not sit in judgment of this man's opinion. Anti Freedom of Religion??????? I think you got that mixed up with Republicans because somehow Republicans forgot that our founders created the idea of separation of church and state.... If we are going to be a religious nation under God... then we need to claim that, instead of claiming that we have freedom of religion.. Do I believe in God? Yes.. do I believe in prayer in school? no, a moment of silence will do... I can talk to God on my own... thanks and have a great day! If I want to pray in school, you can turn your head if it bothers you. If there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state, why is it that there was a Bible class taught at my high school when I was young? Go Vidor! 61 Days and this country will begin to heal from the damages of 8 years of failed bush policies... BS
  16. ''I could take your team and beat you''.....Lombardi I believe.
  17. Why does someone who is in the right feel the need to keep defending themselves? I think both teams are equally at fault. One team is always going to say that the other one started it. I don't believe that one team is doing all the bad stuff while the other team is polishing their halos.
  18. "IF'' the UIL keeps Central from going to the playoffs, the only fair thing to do is keep PNG from the playoffs next year.
  19. As usual, MC fans smell themselves but fail to see the big picture. Yeah, one would think with 4 slots LM would make it in but with a new coach, new system, a top heavy district(Angleton, F'wood, TC), it was gonna be a tough row to hoe. But like most MC posters full of bravado and ignorance, you can't see how Nederland barely made the playoffs themselves with 4 teams going. And I'm willing to bet, Nederland wouldn't make the playoffs in that district either.... I think it's 99% of LM and since the majority of posers from MC put a lot of stock in Tradition, considering this is the first time LM missed the playoffs since '89 which includes 10 state game appearances with 5 rings. There's nothing between either MC school that can match that kind of consistency. First time in 7 years F'wood beat LM. Most points LM ever allowed in school history. Yes, '08 is a strange year with both LM and Yates staying home but I'll take that over any and everything emanating from between US 69 and Texas 347.... I think you should be banned for your (bold faced) reference above. We don't need that type of stuff on here. LM misses the playoffs and all you can do is try and smother it with your playoff appearances and MC bashing. LM lost out, that's all there is to it. :'(
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