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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Neumann likes to play Jasper in pre-district because of their speed. It lets a team know where they are speedwise. Plus Jasper seems to be a solid squad. Lots can be learned from this game/scrimmage. I really couldn't care less who "wins". If Jasper comes out ahead, then we obviously have work to do. If we come out ahead, we still have work to do, but it means we are doing some things correctly. That's about it.
  2. I believe this is another Lombardi quote: I could coach your team and beat you.
  3. Troy Sumrall and Micah Mosley. Now THAT'S a backfield.
  4. I agree with WB that turnovers are a part of the game. There are too many "what ifs?" involved with the answer to your question. If my team forces their opponent to turn the ball over multiple times, and we are able to capitalize on these turnovers, then I have to wonder if the other team is any better at all. It's why the games are played.
  5. cornyhusker, no whine here. Just explaining. I can't see how I got cornhusker mixed up with Nebraska. What a huge mistake. Which HS team do you follow?
  6. Krautz went to state in track and ran the 200 and 400 meters, I believe. If we're talking 40 time, I don't know who would be fastest for sure. Let's just say they are all pretty darn fast, with Grogan being the most impressive with his speed for his size.
  7. Penny, Brady is fast, but Krautz is probably the fastest. Believe it or not, Grogan, being almost the biggest on the team, doesn't lag far behind in being the fastest....very fast for a big man. If our defense can shore up and tackle better, this should prove to be an interesting season.
  8. It was Hood. He rolled left, dropped the ball, it bounced right back to him and he released it as he was being hit. I think he threw it about 50 yards in the air. Look at this pic. No one was within 15 yards of Butler. Our defense also played an excellent game. Some people will never admit that fact.
  9. Who didn't have trouble tackling those guys? I never based our upcoming defense on what we did last year. I said we were young. I also never said we would be the #1 defense. I said we would be much improved. Hey cornyhusker. No one is touchy here. Just siding with my team. Hey, maybe our defense will be as stout as those cornhuskers. :
  10. Let's not keep bringing up "stompings" because Nederland is not the only one who has been victim to them. Nederland had a very young team last year. We'll see.
  11. You're trying to tell us(well those with a football IQ) Ned was the best tackling team when 1)they gave up 200+ yards rushing per game, and 2) got blasted 63-0 plus giving up 63 points the previous year--with an All American on your defense? Man please...... I notice that you didn't offer up any team for having the best defense. Maybe because both of your teams stunk it up last year too. But hey, if you can get your cheap little shot at a MC team, then do it, huh? Wow, what a man.....and your IQ is???? I think Nederland's defense will be much improved. The Dayton game was just one of those games where they did everything right. We handed it to them several years ago in the playoffs with Hood not even playing the second half. But of course, you wouldn't want to bring that up, now would you? Nobody cares what happend years ago as you put it. This is a 'what have you done for me lately' situation and all Ned has done is finished mid-way to near the bottom in total defense. To answer your question, Central and Ozen not necessarily in that order..... ...then why bring up last year? Where is that line drawn and who drew it? Central's and Ozen's defenses weren't stellar last season either, so why would we think they would be the best this year? Nederland's defenses of the past have been very good, bordering on excellent. The past couple of seasons, the playmakers just weren't there. This year will be different. Why don't you just talk up your team and quit trying to put mine down so much. Don't you have any other outlet for your frustration?
  12. You're trying to tell us(well those with a football IQ) Ned was the best tackling team when 1)they gave up 200+ yards rushing per game, and 2) got blasted 63-0 plus giving up 63 points the previous year--with an All American on your defense? Man please...... I notice that you didn't offer up any team for having the best defense. Maybe because both of your teams stunk it up last year too. But hey, if you can get your cheap little shot at a MC team, then do it, huh? Wow, what a man.....and your IQ is???? I think Nederland's defense will be much improved. The Dayton game was just one of those games where they did everything right. We handed it to them several years ago in the playoffs with Hood not even playing the second half. But of course, you wouldn't want to bring that up, now would you?
  13. It always goes back to the series record. Actually, the Dogs have held their own since they got a coach winning three in a row, and very easily could have been four. WOS is always tough and this should be a good one.
  14. The word is envious. Jealousy is what you feel when you see your wife kissing another man. Envy is what you feel when the two of them ride off in his Lamborghini. I like what PNG is doing to their field. Hopefully other stadiums will be upgraded, but if the sole purpose is to try and hold it over someone's head, then you have failed miserably. i dont see why i would be jealous if my wife was kissing another man because i would be kissing her practically everyday. i would be more upset and wanna beat em up. I would be jealous back in the day if i liked some girl but saw someone kissing her. Huh????.....nevermind, it was supposed to be a joke showing the difference between jealousy and envy. The two words are not synonymous. Back to PNG: I have driven by the stadium on several occasions and it is looking real nice. Maybe some first round playoff games could be hosted there. I find it hard to imagine PNG being a neutral spot for anything further. Games tend to move towards Houston. Where you play doesn't have to be about being neutral. The coaches pick where they want to play and if they can't agree, they flip for it. It does have some to do with neutrality, but also the quality of the venue. I think PNG will get more than just first round games if it is nice, which, it appears it is. Yes, I realize the situations. I also said the stadium is nice. I was just concerned with location. How about some more pics...
  15. The word is envious. Jealousy is what you feel when you see your wife kissing another man. Envy is what you feel when the two of them ride off in his Lamborghini. I like what PNG is doing to their field. Hopefully other stadiums will be upgraded, but if the sole purpose is to try and hold it over someone's head, then you have failed miserably. i dont see why i would be jealous if my wife was kissing another man because i would be kissing her practically everyday. i would be more upset and wanna beat em up. I would be jealous back in the day if i liked some girl but saw someone kissing her. Huh????.....nevermind, it was supposed to be a joke showing the difference between jealousy and envy. The two words are not synonymous. Back to PNG: I have driven by the stadium on several occasions and it is looking real nice. Maybe some first round playoff games could be hosted there. I find it hard to imagine PNG being a neutral spot for anything further. Games tend to move towards Houston.
  16. The word is envious. Jealousy is what you feel when you see your wife kissing another man. Envy is what you feel when the two of them ride off in his Lamborghini. I like what PNG is doing to their field. Hopefully other stadiums will be upgraded, but if the sole purpose is to try and hold it over someone's head, then you have failed miserably.
  17. I totally agree. We whipped them in every stat except the one that counts. If I remember right, they didn't even have 100 total yards. Ramoin missed by inches scoring. I thought he made it in, but replays showed different.
  18. I took my bulldog out on the field at Bulldog stadium. He peed on it. I think he calls that even. No lawsuit for him. PNG faithful, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  19. I can see your point of view. I wonder though, if your team came in 4th and happened to win state, would you think it undeserving, or would you say that you knew your team had it in them all the time and finally put it together? I've seen teams in many sports start out weak and finish strong. Could that possibly be the case?
  20. That would be like opening a local chapter of Mensa in PA. : I say put it in Beaumont for the location aspect and who the heck would want to go to PA anyway?
  21. Best Game: Nederland vs. Bay City playoffs '00 (Nederland played an almost perfect game. The "almost" beat us 7-0) Best Team: '03 LaMarque (Kerligan was unstoppable) Best Player: Dustin Hood (DI football arm but doing well in baseball)
  22. Always nice to know that we can come to this site and read crap like this. Sorry BadDog. Some folks come over here from the "Crap Attack" website and bring their MC hatred with them. There's no changing it. Which is o.k. though, cuz I hate PA too.....and my wife graduated from there (but then again, she hates it also). That oughta tell ya something! You know what they say...even a rat gets off a sinking ship! Proud, it's one thing to get on here and voice one's opinion about some coach's choice of players at certain positions, play-calling, which defense or offense best fits the team....etc, but to come on here and bash the guy is simply an outrage. Coach Thompson is doing the best he can with what he has, and is surely doing more for the kids of PA than some of the hot air balloons we have on here. I hope you do scrimmage PAM and it's not a controlled one. I think it would be good for both teams.
  23. Always nice to know that we can come to this site and read crap like this.
  24. Look at how many college teams make bowl games. Look at how many teams make the playoffs in the NBA. Has anyone checked how many teams make the playoffs in the CFL?...that's right, 8 out of 9. They've added wild card teams to the NFL and MLB. This is all about the UIL and making money. This only adds one week to DI. All the wannabes will be gone by week 2 anyway. The underdogs who put together a string of wins and play for the championship...what could be better than that?
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