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Everything posted by baddog

  1. More pics...fieldturf Backside of scoreboard. 3 story press box. Will probably have an elevator.
  2. Lakers "steal" one in Boston and win at home in game 5. Yawnnnnnnn. This series will not even come close to excitement the 80's Celtics/Lakers games. Those teams had superstars at every position. I'll watch this series and try to stay awake.
  3. I havent's read all the posts, so if this is a repeat....tough. I think Vince Lombardi said "I could take your team and beat you."
  4. Hey, I just like tinkering with this camera and I thought I'd add some more pics. Sorry I don't have any aerials. Here's the scoreboard columns This is the visitors stands and the field covered with what appears to be stabilized sand. The fieldhouse and where the home stands will be erected.
  5. Not looking for excuses because the Rockets were simply outplayed and Utah deserved to win. But take Okur and Williams out of Utah's lineup and see how competitive they are. Okay, I said it. The Rockets are playing without intensity and still stayed within 10. This is a must win. I will pull for them all the way.
  6. This is the first time in history that all four #1 seeds made the "Final Four". These two teams blew out their opponents. This should be a good one.
  7. I predict this to be one of the best championship games for a while. This is going to be a showdown. I have no dog in this fight so I don't care who wins, but I wouldn't miss this one for anything.
  8. he couldnt help it, Curry pulled up his dribble. once he did that there was no chance. I predicted what I would do in that situation, and I opted for a drive to the hoop where several scenarios can play out. Either you make two and draw the foul for a three point play and win, you make the two and miss the free throw and at least tie, or you miss the two pointer and draw the foul and make both free throws for at least a tie. Not making the two pointer and also missing the foul shots never enters the equation of a winning attitude. A three pointer by Curry seems like a option for winning, but he was covered like a blanket, and rightfully so, so I would have had him drive to the hoop. The two pointer would have been easier to make as I believe Kansas' coach would have surely told them not to foul for fear of the three point play.
  9. Counting Lincoln, 0-4.... My bad. I was thinking he was only at Lincoln for one year, then Central for 1 or 2. If you say four (total here in the triangle), then I believe you. I know better than to question your knowledge of this stuff, '85. I stand corrected. 1 with Lincoln, 2 with Central. Combined score 175-15.... ....and what did Super Suggs do with those teams that put such bad whippings on Nederland????....Nothing! A couple rounds deep into the playoffs and that's it, which I have been told stinks. LM is not going to compare Suggs' and Neumann's head-to-head records. They will look at their records of the teams they coached and what they were able to do with the talent at hand. Neumann wins that one hands down. That last team Suggs had @Central put 20 on y'all @home and went to the 3rd round which is 1 less than Nuemann. Besides, he's an old LM assistant and I bet he has just as good a record overall as Nuemann plus more district titles, recruits, etc. And they should compare head to head being that he and St. Nuemann are the finalist. Suggs has another little nugget under his belt: He took 3 different teams to the playoffs 3 years in a row. Nuemann can't match that one Kinda hard to take three different teams to the playoffs when your head coaching is limited to one team. Neumann coaching Lincoln or Central could have produced the same results or better, so your point is moot. Neumann's record stands for itself. Other coaches and schools have a respect for Neumann that you could never possess. BTW, Neumann is from the Pasadena area.
  10. Counting Lincoln, 0-4.... My bad. I was thinking he was only at Lincoln for one year, then Central for 1 or 2. If you say four (total here in the triangle), then I believe you. I know better than to question your knowledge of this stuff, '85. I stand corrected. 1 with Lincoln, 2 with Central. Combined score 175-15.... ....and what did Super Suggs do with those teams that put such bad whippings on Nederland????....Nothing! A couple rounds deep into the playoffs and that's it, which I have been told stinks. LM is not going to compare Suggs' and Neumann's head-to-head records. They will look at their records of the teams they coached and what they were able to do with the talent at hand. Neumann wins that one hands down.
  11. That would be a nice gesture, but the problem is that Nederland already has 2 middle schools, a 9th grade, a JV team, and the Varsity team using the field. I'm sure PNG also has as many teams and it would be very difficult to juggle that many IMO. I'm really not sure how that could work out.
  12. Not sure. After hurricane Rita damaged Bulldog Stadium, we found ourselves playing in Baytown.
  13. I've heard maybe October....weather permitting.
  14. This one is of the visitor's stands and where the football field used to be. This is the field house and where some of the home stands ued to be. From the survey stakes to the right of the trackhoe is where the home stands were. This is the end zone opposite the field house. You can see where the track used to be.
  15. How can a team have so much success and be overrated? Duke is in the mix every year. Lots of their players make it to the NBA. Duke only has one senior on the entire team this season, so they can only get better.
  16. Where the heck are the Ags? They should be on here congratulating UT for the arse whooping they witnessed. I guess they have problems handling losses. Way to go Horns....Hook 'Em Someone said Duke was overrated. I don't think so. They beat UNC and Maryland twice (I like that Vasquez kid). Wake Forest is always good in basketball and came to play. Plus, please list any other basketball game ever, where 5 players fouled out from the same team, and only one fouled out for the other. Duke didn't deserve to win this game anyway because Paulus and Sheyer were both cold. However, Duke is anything but overrated. You can't be as successful as Duke and be overrated.
  17. You didn't have to take this opportunity to take a shot at my Bulldogs, especially when you are complaining about someone taking shots at you. Why he made reference to the Nederland game is beyond me. We understand what happened with our team, but we'll get over it. Actually, it's the Waller Bulldogs that Pain Train is referring to, not Nederland. Thank you very much.
  18. I don't think it can be PATITAN, he can't count past three. Lumberton, you had a great season and surprised lots of people, including myself. It will sting for a little while, but bouncing back from adversity is what high school football is all about. Take you time and look back over this season and enjoy it. You earned it. Crow should not be on the menu for you.
  19. I'm sure Lumberton put up signs saying "last one out turn off the lights"
  20. At Galena Park, my wife blew an air horn with a deputy several feet away. We already knew we weren't supposed to have it and he just told her to put it away. This is not to say that they won't confiscate them. Stallworth has a no air horn rule also. I don't know how well they enforce it.
  21. We've had some games like that, Jacksonville comes to mind, where they were holding our ends and lbs so their RB could get the corner. It was so obvious that it wasn't funny.....no flag. On the play calling, I don't know why coaches everywhere can have something working, and then try and get cute and fakey with the play calling. I can't figure that one out. Congrats on a great season PNG.
  22. They should play some high school playoff games at Reliant. At least there would be some Texas team winning there. Ouch!!! As a Bulldog fan, the Astrodome was like a death sentence. We prefer Rice stadium. Hopefully play there next year.
  23. I want to take this time to apologize for picking against you in your last games. It was not a personal thing, it was simply siding with the reigning state champs or the #1 ranking. Both of you have excellent programs going and tremendous momentum after slaying the Goliaths of your respective classes. I was hoping for the upsets, but it was hard to pick differently. My sincerest apologies.
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