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Everything posted by baddog

  1. On other message boards that I frequent, you can be banned for having two usernames or for saying you are from a certain area, but your IP address shows you are not. I think that is a good thing.
  2. I lied to a federal grand jury and I am facing 30 years in the federal penitentiary. That collectively makes me a jerk, a cheater, and a dumbass.
  3. What I think you need is to start another Dayton's chances thread. The other ones are full.
  4. Play with the same intensity and desire you exhibited against my Bulldogs and PNG, you can beat Texas City and then some.
  5. I see no reason to get upset about looking to matchups down the road. Teams will concentrate on their upcoming games. If they don't, shame on them. If people didn't want to see their possible future opponents, then there would be no need for playoff brackets. The UIL could contact your coach after every game and let you know where to be the following week. It could be a secret. :
  6. Of course all teams should concentrate on the upcoming opponent. I was merely answering the thread topic.
  7. There are 4 regions in the state of Texas. We are region 3. Dayton and Lemberton are Division II. There can only be one representative from each region. Should Dayton and Lumberton both go deep enough, they would meet in the quarterfinals. 1. Bi-district 2. Area 3. Regional 4. Quarterfinals (they would play here) 5. Semi-finals 6. State
  8. Thanks, thought it was over when scooter said they were done.
  9. How can an Ozen fan gloat over anyone else's demise? I can usally accept some criticism from someone whose team beat us, but not from someone whose team we stomped.
  10. It's impossible to read all these threads, so if this has been mentioned, too bad. First, congrats to Lumberton on their big win. I hope you represent well and go deep. I wanted to mention the skydivers who landed in the stadium before the game. That has to be the most awesome thing I have seen in a while, especially at a local high school football game. I wish I had brought my DVD camcorder. Whose idea was that? That was truly awesome.
  11. Jake, it's hard to add much to what you posted. Everything you said rings true. I would like to add soem though. I hope no one ever thinks I am bashing or in any way trying to lay blame for the outcome of the season on any one player. I would never do that. 1. I would like to see our defense leg tackle. We try to hit high and take down, or sometimes it appears we are doing nothing more than tackling the ball....trying to force a fumble. This just doesn't work at all. Guys like Hemmings and the RB for Dayton (both hosses) have to be hit low or they will drag you, which is what happened. 2. The QB in a spread offense has to be more involved in the run game..a la Vince Young. This is a weapon that Sampere brought to the game. I am not knocking Bellow, just comparing the two styles. 3. Our QB coach needs to teach the QB to look off his receivers. Telegraphing your passes makes it too easy for the defense to react when you eye one receiver from the snap. Also need to throw the ball away and not force a play. Give yourself another chance. 4. (Already mentioned) A more experienced o-line next year will surely have more blocking schemes for the RBs. 5. Other than that, I think we're perfect. :
  12. Sports, created for the Olympic Games, was invented for combatants (enemies) to settle their differences with games, with the winner being proclaimed the victor. They thought it better than to kill each other. Although these game today are supposed to be played for the "sport" of it, you have to wonder when one team loses, the victors somehow feel they are "better in every aspect of life" than the loser.......NOT!!
  13. I'm not one who likes to talk smack. It's really senseless. Just look at the posters who talk it. See what I mean??? I refuse to abandon my Bulldogs. They have played their butts off in every game except Dayton. Sincerely, we came out flat and never recovered. Dayton was pumped and did everything right. When you combine the two, you get a lopsided score like the one we had. I say the Dogs bounce back and win this one 28-16. Go Dogs!!
  14. Yeah, the player has been having it handed to him the whole game, makes the tackle with two minutes left, and gets up shaking his head like, "Don't bring that stuff over here"!!! LMAO
  15. Congrats Dayton. Man, we got it handed to us tonight. Dayton's RB #5 was like tackling a greased pig. He was amazing to watch. The QB was very good, and the defense...whew, what can I say. Like BMTSoulja said, they don't miss their tackles. Everything clicked for Dayton. Everything they did was right. I'm still a Bulldog fan and will follow them to Lumberton. I don't quit until I'm out.
  16. I think it comes down to several things. Loss of players, don't pass enough (Driver is an excellent QB), and coaches have problems reloading and maintaining focus. Don't hate me, just my take.
  17. Gee, we've already played this game hundreds of times this week. The real game could be anti-climatic. lol
  18. It's amazing how the teams we face are never the same team they were at the first of the season. They have done nothing but improve. We here in Nederland just keep chuggin along wishing our team could improve. LMAO.
  19. No but we were in the playoffs. It's funny how you only use state appearances as the measuring stick for dominance, when actually some of the teams you have mentioned beat you during those years. Huh, I always thought consistency was the measure of greatness in sports. Duhhhh, what was I thinking? Someone mentioned that a dominant team struck "fear" in the hearts of their opponents. In that case, I would have to say the old Beaumont Hebert Panthers fill that bill. You literally dreaded playing those guys.
  20. How many state championships does WOS have?
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