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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Here's a tablespoon. Try to feed that to someone else. Everyone wants to win state but you have to make the playoffs first.
  2. Good comeback, about what I expected.....respond to one part of one sentence.
  3. We made it to the semis in 2001. Let's see you beat Smithson Valley. They went 5A the following year and played for state and lost, and they are right up there every year. I have all the respect in the world for WOS, but I have never been "afraid' of seeing us play them. When anyone mentions your failures, you try to sluff them off and just accentuate the positives. If just making the playoffs doesn't mean anything, why get all upset when someone mentions the years you didn't make it?
  4. Nederland has a playoff run of 11 years straight. If other teams are more dominant, then why don't they own the streak? Some of those teams have even had playoff droughts. If you are not considered dominant unless you win the district crown year after year, then no team meets the qualifications.
  5. Exactly what my wife and I discussed. Put it this way....stand in front of a regular bathroom scale and then barely jump up onto it. You could weigh merely 100 lbs. and still peg it out. Can you imagine the force the bleachers would have to withstand if everyone started jumping up and down? Maybe instead of jumping, we could make it look like the wave. You must sit close to Harry. I'm in section J.
  6. I've never heard of such a thing and I don't think Asa was ejected. Did #26 play for Ozen against Lumberton?? He was ejected in the 2nd half of our game last week. To answer the question, I don't think so.
  7. Mike East, I agree that the fans have not been very vocal. The Ozen game was another. I can assure that I am hoarse today. If they can't hear me yelling, then they are deaf. I have had people ask me to quieten down before. I think this might have been a game that we thought we were going to win anyway, and lots of the men went to their deer leases. I thought it was a good idea for the young girl on the Jumbotron during halftime, asking for people to jump up and down to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica when the kids came back out. It got some response, but we need a lot more. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Nederland 27 Dayton 17 Hi P.P.....
  8. His name is Salenga. They tried to throw to him once but it was a bit behind him. Hit him in the flat and watch him go.
  9. ....I will go watch my railroad track brothers kick some butt.
  10. Is that a political affiliation? I don't have to put a label on everything I have feelings about. I have liberal and conservative views as does everyone. I like the way you excerpt from someone's post, then attempt to slice and dice it until you can twist it the way you want it. My point was that if we are willing to spend 3 million dollars (1/2 cent per person to you) on testing our kids for steroids, why can't we finds the funds to pay our teachers an honest salary? You completely missed that one. Also, if we impose on our school districts to do the things that we, as parents, are afraid and unwilling to do ourselves, then why shouldn't we expect the same funding to cover rehab and counseling. It's because this is not about the health and welfare of the kids, as it should be, it's a witch hunt under the guise of concern, perpetuated by flag toters, such as yourself, saying that it is in the best interest of the kids.
  11. Thanks stevieray. I wish someone would please explain to me what the heck is considered a level playing field....seriously.
  12. Teachers are severely underpaid, schools need books, etc. and we are spending $3,000,000.00 a year to test for steroids. What a joke. I don't see anywhere that it mentions any funding for counseling or rehabilitation for these kids who test positive, it merely mentions the length of suspension. And I thought it was because we are concerned with the health and welfare of our kids. Our priorities have gone awry.
  13. Nick Canizales had a special report and some highlights on this kid just a while ago. He's awesome. Being consistent on FGs is great for a team and can win some games, but since football is a game of field position, I think a great punter can get your team out of some jams like Curtis Parks used to do for us. I always hollered at the punt returners that they better back up when Curtis punted, but they never listened.
  14. The year of the coin flip, we beat you.....he he he.
  15. This is true. Here is what I found. The teams are made up: I know that usually two teams tied with a district record have the tiebreaker decided by head to head competition (varies per district) For Example (using : School...........District...Overall Podunk............5-2.......7-3 Hicksville.........5-2.......6-4 both are tied in district, but since Podunk beat Hicksville in district, then Podunk would win the tiebreaker. Things get sticky when there are 3 way ties For Example: School............District....Overall Podunk............6-1........8-2 Hicksville.........6-1........9-1 Genericville.....6-1.........6-4 all three teams are tied with 1-1 against each other and in this instance a positive point system might be used to break the tie. Podunk beat Hicksville by 18 Hicksville beat Genericville by 10 Genericville beat Podunk by 3 Genericville would lose out by having the smallest point victory total. Thats why many schools try to pad their scores in district, for fear of potential ties. However usually positive points max out at 17 or 21 or whatever. Every district's policies are different; sometimes decided by something so simple as a coin toss.... but ya... just depends on the district.
  16. In a three way tie for first, all three go. UIL does not recognize head-to-head matchups.
  17. I personally take no one lightly. Neumann will concentrate on LCM.
  18. Bmtsoulja, I have seen what Central can do if they want it bad enough. The second half of our game was totally different than the first. It may have been some letup by our players due to the lopsided score, but I think it was more that Central buckled down and played football. If they want this Dayton game bad enough, it could be close. Play like you did in the first half against us and it will be ugly. Getting a team up for games is on the coaches, but the players also have to have some self-motivation. Good luck.
  19. It was in the 3rd quarter. I'm still fuming, more at the celebration than the hit. Maybe malicious was too harsh a word, but it was to the head. Don't know how well the game broadcast will show it. I've said my peace and I'm done with this.
  20. Sorry TVC, I was right there and Brady took a forearm to the head. Nothing clean about the hit. It was malicious. Like you said, when he collapsed to the ground, two Ozen players did the high chest bump thingy-do-wop and the Ozen fans were even cheering. It made me want to puke. There is absolutely no place for violent attacks like that in football. He could have hit him clean and decked him. It's one of those plays where the receiver goes up and when he comes down, the safety is waiting for him...a la Ronnie Lott, but when you go to the head with your forearm, your intent is ot take someone out permanently by injury, not just making the play.
  21. What a great win for the Dogs. On the road and down 14-3, never giving up and coming back to score 28 unanswered points is truly amazing. Our defense played excellent in the second half. I agree with admin, Grogan was player of the game for Ned. Ozen's player of the game, their RB #28. I think Ozen needs to regroup and start playing football instead of sitting back and waiting to take a cheap shot at the opposing team. #5 should have been ejected for a forearm to the head which knocked our WR Brady to his knees. This wasn't even flagged. He could have made a clean hit and you wouldn't hear a thing from me. #26 got ejected for the same type shot. This ain't football people. It's called headhunting.
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