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Everything posted by baddog

  1. 17:00 into the video they talk about Micah. His nickname is "White Lightning". Dodge calls him "Boudain". Way to go Micah!
  2. Gotta keep my Dogs in the hunt. Tough loss for us to PNG, but we're certainly not out of the running. Lots of football left. Good luck to Lumberton.
  3. Anybody hear of Salenga??? That's all I'm gonna say. Bring this post up Saturday morning.
  4. I'd like to see Lumberton beat PNG so that my Dogs have the opportunity to even out the standings. Unfortunately for my Dogs, I think PNG wins.
  5. I said he was player of the MCM game in the "Where are all the Nederland fans" thread. Congrats to the young man.
  6. Th refs for MCM were like cows staring at a new gate.
  7. Congrats to the Indians. You played a tough game and there was some good hitting from both teams. I was really impressed with Hennings speed after he broke through the line. No one that big should be that fast too. Broussard should get player of the game though. He plays lights out CB. On the interception.....Nederland was called for a false start so the ball is dead and there is no INT. Lucky break for us in hindsight. I don't know where the delay call came from. It only kept us from being penalized 5 yards, but the ball would have still been ours. Just trying to figure out the refs.
  8. I'm outta here. Good luck to both teams.
  9. I guess they can't read a newspaper then. Probably have general admission and just want a good seat.
  10. People already at the gate at 3:00 pm. Glad I got reserved seats.
  11. Yeah, probably so, but Butler made it work. I commend all these great receivers for playing full out on every play and giving us some great plays to remember. Some were award winning players and some were nominated. This is a great thread. I don't give a flip what anyone else thinks about it. After all, it is in the "high school football" forum with a thread topic stating that it is about Nederland receivers. Anyone who doesn't like it, feel free to go elsewhere.
  12. He certainly had the potential. Something we'll just never know for sure.
  13. I wonder if Butler has the same green light on punts that he had with Nederland. I really don't know how many he ran for 1st downs, but it was a lot. I think Yoder and Askew mirrored each other. I saw Yoder run two consecutive punts back for TDs. Atterberry had the skills and head for the game, but...oh well. I miss that guy. He was really good.
  14. I drove by these "houses" the other day and I wasn't impressed at all. Take a drive out there and see what you think. Looked like something out of "Poltergeist" to me. Wasn't it called Phase IV?
  15. Then you should have had that fit because we had an interception TD called back for roughing the passer. tic...hiccup...tic
  16. Of all the people, I thought you could appreciate the humor in that post. It was a pure gem.
  17. Wow, Memorial whoops up on lowly Atascocita. Let's jump on that train...WOOOOOOO...WOOOOOO!!!! All the way to state baby!!! Oops, it's just the Cannonball going to Petticoat Junction. ;D
  18. Biggest crow eater of all time...CAW CAW!!!! I can see you're already stocking your menu. How far did the trojans go last year? Lumberton, like I said, just believe.
  19. Yep, and if Lumberton made it to the state finals, there would still be the doubters and the "I told you so". Just believe in your team and let the haters eat crow. We've had a serious playoff run for years and people still don't believe in us. That's OK. We just keep proving them wrong and that's the best part of it.
  20. Hey, I said "I think". Ok it was 47-7. You'd think I'd have it burned into my brain as many time as that announcer broadcast it.
  21. First cardinal sin of football....don't turn the ball over. If you turn the ball over to a bad team, they can beat you, turn it over to a great team, and the score can get lopsided really fast. Even though I was sick at home listening on the radio, I have to give kudos to the Central coaches and players for rallying the troups, as they say, and not giving up. I have seen many games where the other side just gave up and very obviously so. I have to remind the Central folks about the game we lost to them 47-14 I think 2 or 3 years ago. Turnovers killed us then and Central capitalized on them just like we did last night. Las year our star player was hurt and I think he could have made a difference. We may not have won, but we would have made it closer IMO. Good luck to Soulja and bcjag. You guys make it fun and know how to take it. It's just a game.
  22. You mean they stop???? Nederland coaches pipe Cherokee through the speaker sytem during practice before MCM. Nederland 31 PNG 14
  23. If a coach can't handle criticism, he needs to find another line of work. It really comes with the territory so he better learn to handle it. College and professional coaches have to answer questions immediately after games, win or lose, and they get grilled. Some make the national news. I believe a high school coach should be able to handle the Saturday morning grumblings on a message board.
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