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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Hey Penny, I wish you would stop picking at my posts. I said Nederland should run the ball instead of pass. We didn't need to score, we needed to burn clock and you can't do that with incomplete passes. I was making my points during the game. All of yours are hindsight, which we all know is 20-20. Try to be a thinker when the game is on the line instead of ripping Nederland posters on their way of thinking in the heat of battle. BTW, we ran the ball on the next couple possessions and were successful at burning the clock and the punter did a fantastic job. Go Dogs!!!
  2. Central has the ball at their own 7 yard line with about 1:15 left. Safety for Ned 40- 29!!!!!!!
  3. Central has the ball at their own 7 yard line with about 1:15 left.
  4. 3rd down and short for Ned. Under 2:00. 4th down 1:23 to play. Ned goes for it. Illegal procedure called against Ned. Ned to punt.
  5. Central punts...4:17 to play. Central with one timeout. Run the ball Ned.
  6. Less than 6 minutes. Ned recovers onsides kick.
  7. Ned needs to run some clock. Central will probably onsides kick. What a game.
  8. 38-21 Ned. late 3rd qtr. under 50 seconds 1st down Ned at the 35.
  9. Nederland driving and burning clock. I know it's early, but with a huge lead like this, it's never too early to burn clock with ball control.
  10. Ball snapped over the punter's head. Central recovers at the 11 of Nederland. 2nd down and 9.
  11. Yeah we are. I'm home sick as a dog. Go Dayton!
  12. Have the Jags scored 31 points in a game yet? They will have to score that many and keep Ned scoreless just to tie in with one half of play. Pretty tough to do against the Ned defense.
  13. Fumble Central. Landry recovers at the Ned 13.
  14. TD Nederland....Bellows to Broussard....59 yard TD pass. 24-7
  15. Before the Central TD, Dogs had an interception for a TD by Brady called back for roughing the passer which kept the drive alive for the Central TD.
  16. TD Central....55 yard TD pass to Hall. 17-7
  17. I may be home sick but I'm right there with 'em... Go Dogs!!!
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