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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Anyone who starts threads about himself has an ego problem...probably a small man's syndrome.....all mouth. We (MC) don't need your cheesy insulting kudos. Fact is, your LM team looked Joe average. PNG moved the ball on your loaded DI team but just weren't able to take it in. PNG will make adjustments. LM and you can act like that game doesn't mean anything, but it will when you play Pearland. if you think LM can keep playing like that, Pearland will smoke you.
  2. Hey titan. Next time you pass down 69 on your way to PA, let me know. I will have all of Nederland out on the highway mooning you as you go by. We'll be on both sides so you can get the stereo effect. I don't think you need any crow pie, you need to start raising those suckers and have one slice per meal. The way you dog (pun intended) our community and players, I think you have lost all credibility on this board. You have proven you know absolutely nothing about our team, our people, or football in general.
  3. Sorry my superlatives don't rate high enough. Saying I 'think' (feel, believe...etc.) it looks good is in no way condemning it.
  4. No offense taken. No matter what is done, it isn't going to please everybody, so why try? I'm sure a lot of thought went into that mural. I think it looks good. Good one soulja (real bulldogs)
  5. This is the street side. I guess this does away with the scrolling marquee I was told about:
  6. 8-24-07--one side almost completed. Side facing the street has one panel mounted. I have heard that the street side would have a scrolling marquee. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I will post another pic tomorrow.
  7. I haven't heard, tvc. Win or lose, Jasper always has great team speed and lets a team know where they are speedwise on both sides of the ball. I have a lot of respect for Jasper.
  8. I totally agree. I know about Charles and the Babineauxs. Mosley is our Jamaal Charles. You will read about him soon enough. I was referring to Valcin, or whatever his name was.
  9. I sure don't see any threads about the updates on any PA players. Guess they just fade into the sunset. We happen to care about our players. We like the updates, even if it's a scrimmage DA.
  10. Can Dodge spot talent? You bet, and he sure didn't draw Micah's name out of a hat. He's there because he fits the system Dodge runs. Micah will do fine. Wish I could see the 20 yarder.
  11. Uh huh, just as I figured. He came back and deleted that stuff. What a wizard. IP adresses are so easy to trace and the police don't take kindly to internet threats. The next one I see, I will quote it so it can't be deleted except by a moderator. Threaten someone again and see what happens. That's not a threat, that's a promise.
  12. Who is this patitan? He is posting on a Nederland vs. PNG thread and has said absolutely nothing about the game. Now he is making threats on the internet ("name the time and place"). That's calling someone out. Moderators, isn't this against board rules??? Is this what this board is about?
  13. Game over Mobile wins 22-11. Nothing to hang our heads about.
  14. In violation of the board??? How??You violate the English language with every post. Come back and talk to me when you learn to punctuate and spell (empire). I take no one seriously who can do neither. Don't give me the excuse about this being a message board and all that stuff. You don't because you can't. Fake running back, that's a good one. I remember he went off left tackle and blew by your DI LBs and secondary. They didn't even make up any ground. Don't be lying to make yourself look good on this board. You must have gone to get popcorn because you sure weren't watching the game, or you have to lie to yourself because your mind can't process the fact that the entire LM defense was smoked by a RB from Nederland and made them all look bad. (TWICE) Staying on topic now, since some people never do, I think PNG will improve from last year, but still fall short by a FG to Ned.
  15. That pic was taken Aug. 17th. and posted the same day. I'll post some more next week. Don't forget, the state-of-the-art PA system is coming down also. I'm taking bids right now. ;D The new scoreboard will incorporate the PA system too, if no one has already mentioned that fact.
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