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Everything posted by baddog

  1. What's wrong with moral victories? A state powerhouse team loaded with DI talent that couldn't even run down our running back from behind? With the team we had, I say we did very good. I've seen us called cheaters plenty of times and you never took our side in any of them. Any reason for that? BTW, I work with several Central fans and you should hear them talk about the refs. Nederland by three over PNG.
  2. Take away the LM TD just before half, where the receiver's foot was clearly out of the end zone, and LM doesn't romp to an easy win. It wasn't easy anyway, just a buncha cheaters who own the Houston area refs. I say Nederland in a close one over PNG.
  3. I picked Nolan Ryan simply because of his demeanor. He was always just the same old Nolan. I only wish he had run support in Houston. Early on it was Roger Metzger simply because if the ball was hit to short, the runner was out. His fielding % was phenominal. Later I liked Terry Puhl and Craig Reynolds, two very solid players. Dickie Thon was looking like he would get the HR title one year, then he got beaned in the face and never was the same. J.R. Richard was the most intimidating pitcher I have ever seen. He could hold seven baseballs in one hand....one between each finger and three in the palm. His 100 mph fastball was awesome and his slider was untouchable. Ask Garvey and Cey how they liked Richard. They couldn't touch him. J.R. Richard could have maybe challenged Ryan for the no-hit record had he not had a stroke, in my opinion. Guess I should have voted for J.R., but Nolan was my all time fav.
  4. It's not unusual to have an off game after learning that you are already in the championship round. No one said it was going to be easy, but these kids have a lot of heart and know how to win. They certainly wouldn't be there if they didn't. Go Mid-County
  5. Anything on Brad Sullivan? I know he's in the "A's" farm system. I don't have any stats though.Thanks
  6. Until a person has a child die an early death, I don't think they should tell these folks how to feel about anything. Keep your opinions to yourself instead of plastering them all over message boards. What a terrible tragedy. May God grant them the strength to bear this awful burden.
  7. Well said 92. Actually, when we shared the title with PNG, we beat PNG that year but the UIL does not recognize head-to-head games, so therefore the co-champ designation. That's one we would have really liked but....oh well. What can we do?
  8. jake, you talking about the long TD run that was called back for taunting? Yeah, I remember that one. Dean played some WR when they brought Hood in, so yeah, he could motor. I haven't seen Sampere with much playing time yet, so y'all keep me up to date.
  9. Of course it's impressive, and my intentions were not just aimed at WOS. I also asked about the other teams listed whether they played second fiddle. WOS fans would never rub anything into someone else's face. I see their record posted every season. I think I also proved my point. Any team can be overrated. The highest I have personally seen Nederland ranked in preseason is about 18th. If we go three rounds deep and lose, isn't that just about where 18th should end up? So where is the overrated? We also were underrated in '01 when we played in the semis against Smithson Valley, who the following year, went 5A and played for state.
  10. WOS92, you really have access to some great stats. I was aware of Dayton's and Newton's streaks, but wasn't aware of EC's, good for them. My question, since I was too vague, was why other teams from our district haven't been able to streak their playoff appearances, since it is so easy in this district (sarcasm) and our old 20-4A to enter the playoffs? Were all these other team's streaks accomplished with outright district titles every year, or did some play second fiddle? It really doesn't matter to me. I think these streaks are amazing and say a lot about the programs and athletes involved year after year, and the constant reloading. Maybe I am wrong, but I don't believe I have ever heard a fan of any of the 'streaking' teams say Nederland is overrated, save one. What does that tell me? I have all the respect in the world for WOS, but during a 3 year period a few years back, WOS was ranked like 5th and 8th in the state early in the season. Nederland beat them rather handily in 2 of those games (won 3 in a row). Doesn't that constitute being overrated? How about a high state ranking, going undefeated in the regular season and losing in the 1st round? Doesn't that that make a team overrated? I guess one could say you had off-nights. We in Nederland are not afforded such luxuries. I am not taking cheap shots at WOS. I have already stated that I respect them. I just wanted to show that no matter how great a program is, any team can fall victim to being considered overrated at some point.
  11. Nothing wrong with a little luck now and then. Any other team would gladly take that coin flip. You wouldn't?? Remember Ozen was in on that flip too. Ozen was odd man out and it came down to Ned/PNG.
  12. 22 year old pitcher came right at him and had him 1-2 with 2 called strikes. Strike 3 was fouled out.
  13. I sure am glad you weren't trying to take anything away from the streak...? If it is so easy to get into the playoffs with a three team format, why aren't there multiple teams with as long of streaks?
  14. Thanks BMTsoulja, that is a fine way of putting it. How can any team that makes the playoffs 11 years straight, gets a co-district championship, and plays in the semis in '01 be considered overrated? Saying we're going to win state, the district, or even make the playoffs is what makes people think we are overrating ourselves. I know of no Nederland fans who claim this, except maybe for making the playoffs, which with our recent run, is not being overzealous at all.
  15. Let's say I go along with that way of thinking just for the time being. After he sets the record, and there is no doubt he will, if he is found guilty of juicing, what will your stance be? The federal grand jury is not on a witch hunt for Bonds. They have investigated several other players too. Bonds stands out because of the record. I have answered the questions put before me with all honesty. Now answer mine. Why is Bonds' personal trainer sitting in the hoosegow?
  16. Sure do. They had people who kept the books back then. I can't produce the record now, but it was something we learned as we got along. Why is that so astonishing? Like I said, baseball is nothing but stats. They have stats for how players hit on certain nights of the week against left-handed pitching in August. If you're not a stat rat, then why do you watch baseball and keep up with pumpkinhead Barry Bonds?
  17. As for my playing days, I played 'till I was 12, made All-Stars, played center field and pitched. Was lead-off batter and batted .305. I quit playing when I was 13 to throw a paper route and help out with family bills. My dad died when I was 15 and I never took up the sport again. Anything else you'd like to know about my playing days?
  18. It's sarcasm at its finest. Grow up. I can always tell when someone is losing an argument, the "idiotic" references keep getting thicker. You skipped over all the stats and dwell on one sentence out of the entire post....the only thing you could see to shoot down, and it was tongue-in-cheek. I did a lot of research to come up with those numbers. Although I'm not a stat rat, as you put it, numbers is what baseball is all about, isn't it? Well there they are. Please enlighten me as to why Bonds' "personal" trainer is sitting in the hoosegow. As for my playing days, I played 'till I was 12, made All-Stars, played center field and pitched. Was lead-off batter and batted .305. I quit playing when I was 13 to throw a paper route and help out with family bills. My dad died when I was 15 and I never took up the sport again. Anything else you'd like to know about my playing days?
  19. Nice spin genius. What a ridiculous twist of words. I'm saying you know he's guilty, but he has supposedly tested negative. That's being naive. Were you there when he took the tests? I guess only players cheat? Ownership never sweeps things under the proverbial rug, huh? Testing facilities can't be bought off? Trainers can't be silenced? (Oops, one already has) I have a stinking feeling that a federal grand jury will have some fun with this one day. Go ahead and root for pumpkinhead. Let's see how much he shrinks after it is all over. I never said I liked Ty Cobb either. His sharpened spikes got him several stolen base records, but his batting titles and other records were phenomenal. He didn't know what a steroid was. If he and Ruth had done steroids, we wouldn't even be mentioning Bond's name. As for Ruth?....Everyone always uses the same excuse for Babe Ruth--He faced inferior pitching. Everyone else in baseball faced the same pitching when he played, yet in 1927 he hit 60 Homeruns--more than every team in baseball except 1. This would be equal to Bonds hitting 215 homeruns in 2001--more than any team but 1. Aaron had 12,300 At bats and Bonds 9,730. Babe had 8,399. Given the same number of AB as Aaron he would have well over a 1000 HR and nobody would be having this conversation----- Do I need to mention he was 94-46 as a pitcher with a career 2.2 ERA. Bonds is great and Aaron was slightly below him but Neither deserve to be mentioned in same sentence with Ruth. Bonds has 1331 more at bats---due to the fact Ruth pitched for several years and played fewer games per year-- Give Ruth the extra at bats and he hits an additional 113 HR giving him 827. Please dont talk about stolen bases--you could train a dog to steal bases. Did Barry have over 29 scoreless innings on the mound in the World Series. Before you bring up the walks, Bonds has 477 more walks than the Babe. The way Bonds has been going 0-fer lately, I can't assume that had he been pitched to that he would have gotten HRs. There has never been and never will be the equal to the BABE. I don't think anything I have said comes close to being ridiculous.
  20. That has got to be the silliest post I have ever read. No one has ever said that steroids can take dorks, who can't even play, and turn them into record-breaking HR hitters. Of course this is the angle (talking in extremes) I expect from anyone who would back a cheater. As for the needle in the rear, how can anyone do that and still say they weren't aware of what the substance was? Bonds is a HR hitter in his own right, but steroids took baseballs that would have fallen for easy fly-outs, and turned them into HRs. They also gave him the stamina to play long enough to even compete for the record. Hid body is paying for it already. I don't remember Aaron missing games because he was "tired". Aaron also didn't have to take a year off so his body could adjust to the withdrawals. I am not just picking on Bonds either. I say take away any records that were established by steroid users and cheaters. Look what happened to Ben Johnson. He was stripped of a gold medal. Lance Armstrong would have met the same fate had he tested positive. It is unbelievable to me that people know that someone is cheating to get where they are, and yet still sing their praises.
  21. Barry Bonds couldn't hold Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron's jock strap. They're all doing it, so that makes it OK....great philosophy. He's never tested positive, that means he's clean....how naive. Like Olgabe said, people want to see a record broken in their lifetime, so they are willing to look the other way from his obvious steroid usage, just to fulfill their dream of it happening while they are around to see it. Pathetic.
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